So spielt man Blackjack Im deutschsprachigen Raum auch als „17 und 4“ bekannt, ist Blackjack nach Poker wohl weltweit eines der beliebtesten Kartenspiele in den Casinos. Natürlich hat jedes gute Online-Casino ebenfalls Blackjack im Angebot. Doch nicht jeder kennt die Grundregeln des Spiels. Deshalb haben wir hier für Sie die entsprechenden Basics zusammengestellt. Der Grundaufbau Blackjack wird mit Standarddecks aus 52 Spielkarten gespielt. Spiele werden mit einem...
Read More »Governments Are Failing at Their Most Basic Duties—While Promising Free Stuff
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Three city blocks were systematically burned to the ground as hundreds of the local police stood by and viewed the violence. They were obeying orders not to harm the arsonists. The National Guard was called, adding more armed watchers. A passive gendarmerie consorting with open rebellion has rarely been seen in American history, until recently.
Read More »Credit Suisse carnage brings financial risk for banks into focus
Credit Suisse chairman, António Horta-Osório, is warning of a “tough period” ahead for the bank. Keystone / Andy Rain Credit Suisse’s disastrous Greensill and Archegos investments have highlighted the destructive side of banking. Regulators and politicians are asking what the Swiss bank did wrong and what can be done to protect investors from future risk-assessment failures. Experts point to shortcomings in risk management and say corporate culture has to change. The...
Read More »Basel III: Causing Gold’s Volatility?
To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit Tom welcomes a seasoned group of experts on the gold markets to discuss the upcoming Basel III changes to banking regulations and their potential impact. We are joined by Bob Coleman, Vincent Lanci, Adrian Day, and Keith Weiner. Keith discusses the reasons for the Basel III regulation in stabilizing the banking system. He argues these regulations will cause banks to be increasingly...
Read More »Switzerland commits CHF12 million to humanitarian aid in Venezuela
[unable to retrieve full-text content]This year Switzerland will provide more than CHF12 million ($13 million) in humanitarian aid to Venezuela and the region, it said at the Donors’ Conference in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants.
Read More »End the Draft Permanently
Recently the U.S. Supreme Court declined to consider a challenge to the all-male draft. The plaintiffs in the case argued that excluding women from the draft was unconstitutional. Apparently the Court is simply letting Congress decide the issue. I’ve got an idea — an idea grounded in freedom. How about abolishing the draft — and, of course, draft registration? In fact, better yet, how about enacting a constitutional amendment prohibiting the draft from ever being...
Read More »84a Fed Reverse Repo Record – Why the Big Deal?!
After the Federal Reserve raised the return on one of its bank programs, a record $756 billion flowed into the central bank’s reverse repo facility. Jerome Powel said, "We're not concerned." He should be. Like the Fed should've been in 2017 when something similar happened. ---------SEE IT----------- Twitter: Twitter: Alhambra YouTube: Emil YouTube: Art:...
Read More »FX Daily, June 18: Markets Quiet Ahead of Triple Witching
Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.14% to 1.0936 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, June 18(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: After some dramatic moves over in the immediate post-Fed period, the markets have quieted. The kind of volatility that is sometimes associated with triple witching expirations in the US may have already taken place. Asia Pacific equities were mixed, but the MSCI benchmark finished with...
Read More »Swiss Banks Boost Capital Bases Despite Coronavirus Crisis
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Swiss banks have been able to strengthen their capital bases despite deteriorating economic conditions during the coronavirus pandemic, according to the Swiss National Bank (SNB). This applies to the two big banks, UBS and Credit Suisse, and also domestic banks.
Read More »Swiss among last to embrace wind and solar power
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Switzerland is lagging behind most European countries when it comes to solar and wind power. In terms of per capita production, it ranks second to last in comparison with surrounding countries, according to the Swiss Energy Foundation (SES).
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