Offshore shadow money funds the global economy, but it lies in the shadows; it's off-balance sheet and off-the-regulatory-radar. A good place to get a sense of offshore shadow money is the Treasury International Capital report. Jeff Snider serves as our guide through July's data - and warnings. Jeff Snider, Head of Global Investment Research for Alhambra Investments and Emil Kalinowski. Follow Twitter: Twitter:
Read More »Q3/2021 – Business cycle signals: SNB regional network
The Swiss economy continued to recover in the third quarter. Turnover increased both in the services sector and in manufacturing and construction. • Despite the positive development, infrastructure utilisation remains low, especially in the services sector. The fact that international travel is still subject to major restrictions is having a hindering effect. Utilisation in manufacturing, on the other hand, is slightly higher than average, underpinned by robust...
Read More »Hard to Be Sterling
Overview: Energy prices pulled back late yesterday, but it offered little reprieve to the bond market where the 10-year benchmark yields in the US, UK, Sweden, and Switzerland reached new three-month highs. November WTI traded to almost $76.70 before reversing lower and leaving a potentially bearish shooting star candlestick in its wake. The US S&P 500 and NASDAQ gapped lower and did not recover, setting the stage for today’s drop in Asia. All the major...
Read More »Reading Jeff Snider: History’s Great Monetary Shortages [Ep. 111]
Jeff Snider presents history's great monetary shortages -- the 1400s Great Bullion Famine, the 1950s Triffin's Paradox, the 2000s Eurodollar Famine -- and how human innovation -- ghost money, eurodollar, cryptocurrency -- overcame monetary adversity. A reading, by Emil Kalinowski. ----------WHO---------- Jeff Snider of Alhambra Investments. Read by Emil Kalinowski. Art by David Parkins. Intro/outro is "36mm" by Jobii at Epidemic Sound. ----------WHAT---------- Rebel Capitalist...
Read More »Making Sense of Crypto & Coffee: with Special Guests Jeff Snider & Emil Kalinowski!
Making Sense of Crypto & Coffee: with Special Guests Jeff Snider & Emil Kalinowski! About our Guests: Catch Jeff Snider & Emil Kalinowski on their Award Winning Podcast - Making Sense (A Eurodollar University Production): Additional Cool Stuff: Catch our Streams live on - Youtube - Twitter - Twitch - - etc. Get PAID to hold Crypto on NEXO (and borrow against it) Here’s the link:...
Read More »Revisiting The Last Overhang
One reason why I still believe the US most likely would have entered a recession at some point in 2020 even without COVID wasn’t just the yield curve inversion that popped up several months before then. In August of 2019, the small part of the Treasury curve most people pay attention to (2s10s) did send out that dreaded signal, suggesting already to expect contraction in the intermediate term ahead of then. But there was more to it than that, much moving in the...
Read More »Chinas Bitcoin-Verbot versetzt Händler in die “Angst”-Zone
Bitcoin-Derivatemärkte drehten von neutral auf bärisch, nachdem Chinas “Krypto-Verbot” einen BTC-Kurssturz auf 40.600 Dollar auslöste. China verbietet Bitcoin (BTC), wieder einmal. Nein, wir reisen nicht in der Zeit zurück. Am 24. September veröffentlichte die People’s Bank of China (PBoC) eine neue Reihe von Maßnahmen, um die Koordinierung zwischen den Ministerien bei der Bekämpfung von Kryptoaktivitäten zu fördern. Die Maßnahmen zielten darauf ab, “Zahlungskanäle...
Read More »UBS tax evasion appeal verdict delayed in Paris
UBS had appealed against both the original verdict and the size of the fine. Keystone / Peter Klaunzer Swiss bank UBS will have to wait until December 13 to see if its appeal against a French €4.5 billion (CHF4.9 billion) tax evasion penalty is successful. The long-awaited verdict was due on Monday, but the Paris court postponed its decision because a judge is ill. UBS was fined €3.7 billion and ordered to pay €800 million in damages during the original trial in...
Read More »Panama-Gesetzentwurf sieht Regulierung von Bitcoin als alternative Zahlungsmethode vor
Nach der Einführung von Bitcoin in El Salvador hat Panama einen neuen Gesetzesentwurf vorgelegt, der Bitcoin zu einer alternativen Zahlungsmethode im Land machen soll. Da die weltweite Verbreitung von Kryptowährungen weiter zunimmt, wurde in der Republik Panama ein neuer Gesetzentwurf vorgelegt, der Bitcoin (BTC) und andere digitale Währungen als alternative Zahlungsmittel anerkennt. l1 Panama schlägt Krypto-Gesetz vor Der panamaische Kongressabgeordnete...
Read More »Middle of the Road Leads to Socialism: An Online Seminar with Dr. Robert Murphy
This is a special virtual seminar for donors to our fall campaign. Donate Today! On Friday, October 8, at 2:00 p.m. CDT, Jeff Deist and Bob Murphy will discuss Mises’s views on interventionism and their continued relevance today, particularly after the last year and a half of economic intervention resulting from covid tyranny. “[Interventionism] preserves some of the labels and the outward appearance of capitalism. It maintains, seemingly and nominally, private...
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