The Financial Quarterback™ Josh Jalinski with guest Jeffrey Snider simulcast on Clubhouse Bitcoin, Deflation vs Inflation plus 2022 Outlook, Joe Carlasare, Ben Prentice and others Recorded 2021-12-29 Josh speaks with Jeffrey Snider Head of Global Research at Alhambra Investments. He is not an economist, which is probably why he's been able to develop a working model of the global monetary system. His research is unique and informative in ways an economist would never consider....
Read More »True Competition versus the Monopolist “Minimal State”
According to Ayn Rand’s ethics, the only basis for value is an individual’s survival as a rational being. In order to live as a rational being, you must respect the rights of others as rational beings each aiming at his own survival. As Harry Binswanger, a leading follower of Rand, explains, The basic political principle of the Objectivist ethics is: no man may initiate the use of physical force against others. No man—or group or society or government—has the right...
Read More »An Inflation Outlook for the US Dollar in 2022
First, we must define inflation: it is the increase in the quantity of money, currency, and credit. It is not an increase in prices. Changes in the general price level is the consequence of a combination in changes of the quantity of deposit currency and changes in the level of the public’s retention of deposit currency relative to their possession of goods. We can record deposits statistically, but cannot quantify human behaviour. The effect of this inflation on...
Read More »Post-2008 GFC: The Silent Depression | The Snider Series | Episode 5 (WiM102)
Jeff Snider joins me for a multi-episode conversation exploring the evolution of money and central banking throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Be sure to check out NYDIG, one of the most important companies in Bitcoin: GUEST Jeff's twitter: Jeff's writing: PODCAST Podcast Website: Apple Podcast:...
Read More »The Businessman and the Holy Family
At the heart of the Christmas story rests some important lessons concerning free enterprise, government, and the role of wealth in society. Let’s begin with one of the most famous phrases: “There’s no room at the inn.” This phrase is often invoked as if it were a cruel and heartless dismissal of the tired travelers Joseph and Mary. Many renditions of the story conjure up images of the couple going from inn to inn only to have the owner barking at them to go away and...
Read More »Noch vor Bitcoin wird Shiba Inu meistgefragter Cryptocoin des Jahres 2021
Das Jahr 2021 war definitiv das Jahr der Meme-Coins. So werden Altcoins genannt, die eigentlich keinen wirklichen Wert haben, aber dennoch durch Hypes und virales Marketing im Internet zu lukrativen Spekulationsobjekten werden. Crypto News: Noch vor Bitcoin wird Shiba Inu meistgefragter Cryptocoin des Jahres 2021 CoinMarketCap hat kürzlich eine Liste der Cryptocoins veröffentlicht, die im Jahr 2021 am häufigsten auf der populären Seite aufgerufen worden sind. Nachdem...
Read More »Mandatory Holidays Mean Less Freedom and Flexibility for Workers
One of the things people tend to appreciate throughout the year, and especially during the Christmas season, is statutory holidays. These days off are taken for granted by many, and few people stop to think about whether they have any drawbacks. But as any good economist will tell you, everything comes with tradeoffs, and holidays are no exception. The trick, then, is to figure out where the cost lies, and who, ultimately, is paying it. The True Cost of Statutory...
Read More »Taper Rejection: Mao Back On China’s Front Page
Chinese run media, the Global Times, blatantly tweeted an homage to China’s late leader Mao Zedong commemorating his 128th birthday. Fully understanding the storm of controversy this would create, with the Communist government’s full approval, such a provocation has been taken in the West as if just one more chess piece played in its geopolitical game against the United States in particular. No. The Communists really mean it. Mao’s their guy again. No. Let’s recall...
Read More »Watchmaking workforce remains stable despite pandemic
The Swiss watch industry has retained staff in 2021 Keystone / Martin Ruetschi The annual census of the Swiss watch industry labour force found that partial unemployment helped the industry weather the pandemic over the last year. The number of employees in the industry remained stable in 2021 while the share of high skilled staff increased. There are just under 60,000 people working in the watchmaking industry in Switzerland, which is less than a 1% decrease from...
Read More »White-Hot Cycles of Silence
We’re only ever given the two options: the economy is either in recession, or it isn’t. And if “not”, then we’re led to believe it must be in recovery if not outright booming already. These are what Economics says is the business cycle. A full absence of unit roots. No gray areas to explore the sudden arrival of only deeply unsatisfactory “booms.” Every once in a while, however, even the mainstream media meanders closer to the actual economics (small “e”) of the...
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