In my second article on the college problem, I discussed the public policy factors that contribute to the rising cost of higher education. But politics makes its way into education through more than public policy, as professors bring their political views into their classrooms and research. Nothing has contributed more to my personal disillusionment with higher education than seeing the extent to which the ideological problem has affected the university system. At...
Read More »Currency and Bond Markets Challenge the Bank of Japan
Overview: Asia Pacific equities were mixed as the China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korean markets, among the large markets were unable to gain in the wake of a solid performance in the US. Europe is also struggling to maintain the upside momentum that has lifted the Stoxx 600 for the past four sessions. It is nearly flat as this note is penned. US futures are firm. Benchmark bond yields are higher, and the 10-year US Treasury yield is edging above 4.05%. European...
Read More »Credit Suisse pays $495 million to settle legacy case
The Swiss bank said it had reached a final settlement with the New Jersey Attorney General © Keystone / Michael Buholzer Credit Suisse has agreed to pay $495 million (CHF496 million) to settle a case brought against it in the United States, the latest pay-out related to past blunders that have battered the Swiss bank’s reputation. Credit Suisse said it would make the pay-out to settle claims brought by the New Jersey Attorney General related to the bank’s...
Read More »Geneva taxi drivers strike in protest of Uber
Uber’s activities in Switzerland have sparked legal disputes. © Keystone / Christian Beutler Dozens of taxi drivers staged a strike in Geneva to protest a decision by the authorities to allow the ride-hailing company to resume business in the Swiss city. The strike follows months of dispute and failed negotiations over the conditions of Uber drivers and the legal status of the American company. On Friday, the Geneva authorities decided to suspend a ban on Uber...
Read More »The French Must Rediscover the Taste for Individual Freedom: An Interview with Professor Pascal Salin
Pascal Salin is an economist, professor emeritus at the University of Paris-Dauphine, and was president of the Mont-Pelerin Society from 1994 to 1996. Among the extensive list of books Professor Salin has published, mention can be made of the following titles: La vérité sur la monnaie (Paris: Odile Jacob, 1990), Libéralisme (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2000), Français, n’ayez pas peur du libéralisme (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2007), Revenir au capitalisme pour éviter les...
Read More »How Sound Money Won the Battle of Yorktown—and Saved the American Revolution
Early this month, Congressman Alex Mooney of West Virginia introduced the Gold Standard Restoration Act (H.R. 9157). If enacted into law, it would require public disclosure of the federal government’s gold holdings and eventually define the dollar as a weight of gold. For the moment, the bill’s chances of passage are as nil as nil gets. Sound money, whether it’s gold or silver or paper that is “backed” by one or both metals, may not acquire a sizable constituency...
Read More »Bill Bonner’s 4th and Final Prediction: "America’s Nightmare Winter"
One of the most successful entrepreneurs in America over the past 50 years… Has gone public in recent weeks, with his “4th and Final Prediction”… about a scenario he calls: “America’s Nightmare Winter.” You’ve probably never heard of Bill Bonner--but in addition to owning an interest in businesses all over the globe, he also owns more than 100,000 acres, with massive properties in South America, Central America, the U.S.,… plus three...
Read More »The yen isn’t Japan’s problem, it is everyone’s problem. Because this crash isn’t the Fed.
Japan's yen like China's yuan is being pummeled by the dollar. Most people are led to believe the dollar is rising because of the Fed and its rate hikes. No sir. In fact, in just three charts we can easily show both why JPY is crashing and also how the Fed has nothing to do with it. And that's actually the most frightening part. Eurodollar University's Money & Macro Analysis Twitter:
Read More »Greenpeace mit Kampagne gegen Bitcoin
Wieder einmal versucht die Umweltschutzorganisation Stimmung gegen den Cryptomarkt und Bitcoin im Speziellen zu machen. Doch inzwischen stellt sich die Frage, ob tatsächlich Umweltschutz oder Politik hinter der Kampagne steckt. Bitcoin News: Greenpeace mit Kampagne gegen BitcoinVor allem das Proof of Work Prinzip hinter dem BTC soll laut Greenpeace die „Klimakrise verschärfen und der Gemeinschaft schaden“. Das Crypto-Mining gilt als das zu lösende Problem, laut den...
Read More »Turn Around Tuesday Aside, is the Dollar Topping?
Overview: Global equities moved higher in the wake of the strong gains in the US yesterday. US futures point to the possibility of a gap higher opening today. Most of the large Asia Pacific bourses rallied 1%-2%, with China’s CSI a notable exception, slipping fractionally. Europe’s Stoxx 600 is edging higher and is near two-week highs. If the gains are sustained, it will be the fourth consecutive advancing session, the longest in two months. Benchmark yields are...
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