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Cutting sugar in drinks: are producers doing enough?

Some Swiss food and drinks producers are helping in the battle to reduce sugar in our diets. Recently, ten more companies added their names to the Milan Declaration, already signed by 14 companies, pledging to cut sugar in their products by 10% by the end of 2024. Anti-sugar campaigners say the measures do not go far enough and there are demands for a tax on sugar. #sugar #switzerland #diabetes --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its...

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Credit Crunch: The Money Supply Has Shrunk For Eight Months In a Row

Money supply growth fell again in June, remaining deep in negative territory after turning negative in November 2022 for the first time in twenty-eight years. June's drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during much of the past two years. Since April 2021, money supply growth has slowed quickly, and since November, we've been seeing the money supply repeatedly contract—year-over-year— for six months in a row. The last time the...

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Liberalism and Peace

Recorded at the 2003 Supporters Summit: Prosperty, War, and Depression. Ralph Raico discusses how from Jefferson to Madison, and on to Bastiat, Molinari, and Spencer, the "classical" liberals routinely denounced war as the enemy of freedom, prudence, and natural rights. Instead, militarism and imperialism have long been the domain of the enemies of private property and other apologists for the state. (32:19) [embedded content]...

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Breaking Free: How Open Protocols Foster Entrepreneurship, Spontaneous Order, and Individual Sovereignty

In the dynamic and ever-evolving digital landscape, open protocols have emerged as a powerful force, challenging closed-source models and reshaping industries. Beyond their technical merits, open protocols embody fundamental economic principles that foster innovation, competition, decentralized decision-making, and even censorship resistance. By embracing open protocols, societies can harness the creative energies of individuals and entrepreneurs, empowering them to...

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“Greed” Didn’t Kill the Pac-12. Entrepreneurial Failure Did

For college football fans, it’s already been a wild August week before the first kickoff. Reminiscent of the Europe of old, and, hopefully, the America of the future, the collegiate athletic landscape in the last several years has witnessed a massive redrawing conference kingdom borders. The most powerful empires are the SEC and the Big Ten, with the former adding the Universities of Texas and Oklahoma and the latter pursuing manifest destiny in the West with the...

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Egalitarianism as a Revolt against Safety

Some residents of St. Louis, fed up with the nonprotection from the city's police, have hired private security to deal with the problem. The egalitarian Left, of course, doesn't like that. Original Article: "Egalitarianism as a Revolt against Safety" [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter

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Risk Appetites Squashed by Weak Chinese Imports/Exports and Moody’s Downgrade of 10 US Banks

Overview: The combination of falling Chinese imports and exports, Moody's downgrade of ten US small and medium-sized banks is serving to squash risk appetites. Equities are weak, but bond markets are strong despite the surprise tax on Italian banks announced yesterday and the kick-off of the US $103 bln refunding today. Outside of Japan and Australia, Asia Pacific equity markets were lower led by a 1.8% drop in the Hang Seng and a nearly 2.2% loss of the mainland...

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The Effects of Electricity Deregulation on the State of Texas

Texas is not the only US state to have deregulated electricity. The states of Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire have several deregulated electricity zones as well. However, there are significantly more deregulated electricity sectors in Texas than in any other state. As per official reports, more than 26 million residents of the state live in 400+ deregulated zones, accounting for roughly 87% of the total state population. Therefore,...

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Elevating Workplace Culture by Celebrating Employees

Celebrating individual and team successes and encouraging team bonding are among the best ways of improving workplace culture. Employees who feel appreciated regardless of the team they are in are more likely to be highly productive, ensure their team succeeds, and be more motivated and energetic in the workplace. Here are a few ways your business can celebrate successes, make employees feel appreciated, and elevate company culture. Celebrate Milestones and...

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