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Upside Surprise in UK’s Flash PMI and Better-than-Expected January Public Finances Lift Sterling

Overview: Rising interest rates are weighing on risk appetites and the dollar is broadly stronger. Sterling is a notable exception after a stronger than expected flash PMI and better than expected public finances. The correlation between higher US rates and a weaker yen is increasing and the greenback looks poised to rechallenge the JPY135 area. A slightly better than expected preliminary PMI and hawkish minutes from the recent RBA meeting has done little to support...

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The number of cross-border commuters rose by 6.1% in 4th quarter 2022 over a one-year period

21.02.2023 – The number of workers holding a cross-border commuter permit (G permit) increased by 6.1% between the 4th quarters of 2021 and 2022 with 380 000 persons. Their share in the employed population was 7.3% (+0.4 percentage points). These are the findings of the Cross-border Commuter Statistics, conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). . Download press release: The number of cross-border commuters rose by 6.1% in 4th quarter 2022 over a one-year...

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Turmoil Ahead As We Enter The New Era Of ‘Scarcity’ | Charles Hugh Smith

WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKETS? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Wealthion's endorsed financial advisors at As the old saying goes: "It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so." It's easy for investors to fall into the traps laid by their belief systems. Whether to the bullish or bearish side, we all have our own biases that can warp the way we perceive reality....

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Monday: A Short Note while US is on Holiday

The dollar is mostly softer, but turnover is mostly quiet.  The Swedish krona leads the move after higher-than-expected underlying inflation.  It is a mild risk-on day with equities moving higher too.  In the Asia Pacific region, China stood with the CSI 300 up almost 2.5%.  Europe’s Stoxx 600 is up fractionally to recoup most of the pre-weekend decline.  US equity futures are narrowly mixed.  European bond yields are little changed, with a couple of exceptions: ...

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Swiss banks accused of hiding data behind secrecy laws

For journalists and historian, Swiss banking data remains behind locked doors. © Keystone / Gaetan Bally Swiss banking secrecy used to be the bane of foreign countries trying to catch tax cheats. Now it’s the turn of Swiss journalists and historians to cry foul of laws that can hinder their work. When not covering fintech, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, banks and trade,’s business correspondent can be found playing cricket on various grounds in...

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Is Capitalism to Blame for the Ohio Train Disaster?

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop address whether the Ohio train disaster is an example of “capitalism gone amuck”. They discuss Murray Rothbard’s views on pollution, the secondary consequences of the regulatory state, and the decaying qualities of modern financialization. Also, join the Mises Institute in Tampa this month for a special event featuring Per Bylund, Jeff Deist, Tho Bishop, and Brett Lindell, on February 25. Learn more at...

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The Global Currency Plot

—from the Summary … Democratic socialism—the ideology that dominates the world today—aspires to become a world state. The route toward it requires a single world currency to be created. That would undoubtedly create a dystopia. Might this become a reality? And if so, how can it be averted? This book aims to find answers to these questions. Part 11. Concerning Right Thinking: Logic The arguments in this book claim to be strictly logical. For a better understanding, a...

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Week Ahead: Market Seeks Proper Balance after Exaggerating in Both Directions

The pendulum of market sentiment swung from fear of a synchronized recession in the US and Europe to optimism that a recession can be avoid. The perceived reduction of downside risks had driven the upside performance of equities and bonds. Just as the data seems to confirm it, the rally in in stocks and bonds faltered. The MSCI Emerging Markets equity index gained 7.8% last month but is off almost 3.8% this month, and has fallen for three consecutive weeks. The...

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Switzerland sees surge in numbers of foreign workers

The number of new foreign workers moving to Switzerland on long-term contracts increased by a quarter last year compared to 2021, according to official statistics. In 2022, 166,919 foreign workers immigrated to Switzerland, comprising 76,286 people (+15%) for temporary work and 90,633 workers (+26%) on longer contracts. + Switzerland’s allure for wealthy foreigners The increase in longer-term stays was driven by job vacancies mainly in the industrial, construction...

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Why Ron Paul Is Right

The great Dr. Ron Paul has been right about all the major issues that confront the world today. He is right about the Fed, the Ukraine war, the FBI, and so much else. How has he managed to do that? What has given him wisdom unique on the political scene today? The answer is simple. He has consistently applied the teachings of the greatest political thinker of the twentieth century, Murray Rothbard. Ron Paul is a consistent Rothbardian. Let’s look at a few cases...

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