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As Chinese Factory Deflation Sets In, A ‘Dovish’ Powell Leans on ‘Uncertainty’

It’s a clever bit of misdirection. In one of the last interviews he gave before passing away, Milton Friedman talked about the true strength of central banks. It wasn’t money and monetary policy, instead he admitted that what they’re really good at is PR. Maybe that’s why you really can’t tell the difference Greenspan to Bernanke to Yellen to Powell no matter what happens. Testifying before Congress today, in prepared...

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WARNING!!! ?Charles Hugh Smith – US Economy Collapse: What Will Happen, How to Prepare

WARNING!!! ?Charles Hugh Smith - US Economy Collapse: What Will Happen, How to Prepare WARNING!!! ?Charles Hugh Smith - US Economy Collapse: What Will Happen, How to Prepare WARNING!!! ?Charles Hugh Smith - US Economy Collapse: What Will Happen, How to Prepare --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? Subscribe To My Chanel: FINANCIAL TIMES ? TAG : x22report, qanon, economic collapse 2019, dollar...

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Half a million Swiss jobs vacancies predicted in 10 years

Healthcare is one of the key job sectors of the future, analysts say. Retiring baby-boomers and a shifting job market could mean a shortfall of up to 500,000 workers in Switzerland over the next decade, UBS forecasts. The bank proposes plugging the hole not only by immigration, but also by boosting more old and female workers. Basing its projections on long-term employment statistics, the bank says that the number of...

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Powell’s Congressional testimony sets the scene for rate cut

The Fed will likely cut rates by 25 basis points on 31 July, with a similar cut possible as early as September. During his testimony before the House of Representatives on Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell repeated the dovish signals he gave at the Fed press conference in June, hinting at a rate cut at the next Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on 31 July. Powell’s priority is to preserve the...

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FX Daily, July 12: Greenback Limps into the Weekend

Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.48% at 1.1086 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, July 12(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: Higher than expected US CPI and the second tepid reception to a US bond auction this week pushed US yields higher and helped stall the equity momentum. Asia Pacific yields, especially in Australia and New Zealand jumped 8-10 bp in...

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Keith Weiner, PhD, CEO & Founder of Monetary Metals

Keith Weiner, PhD, CEO & Founder of Monetary Metals, believes interest rates must go lower to keep interest expense under control and result in a deflationary credit implosion. [embedded content] Related posts: Keith Weiner Gets Interviewed Is Keith Weiner an Iconoclast? Report 28 Apr Monetary Metals Leases Silver to Money Metals Exchange Monetary Metals...

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“Alexa, How Do We Subvert Big Tech’s Orwellian Internet-of-Things Surveillance?”

Convenience is the sales pitch, but the real goal is control in service of maximizing profits and extending state power. When every device in your life is connected to the Internet (the Internet of Things), your refrigerator will schedule an oil change for your car–or something like that–and it will be amazingly wunnerful. You’ll be able to lower the temperature of your home office while you’re stuck in a traffic jam,...

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La BNS aspire l’épargne des Suisses. Entretien.

Les faits et leurs conséquences potentielles que décrit l’économiste vaudois dans son livre, paru il y a bientôt deux ans, n’ont à ce jour fait l’objet d’aucun démenti, ni d’aucune contestation. (Photo Blaise Kormann) Le calme avant la tempête. Par Christian Rappaz (Editorial) Depuis une année, il ne se passe pas un jour sans que Donald Trump critique violemment la politique monétaire de la banque centrale américaine,...

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Hypothekarkredite: Selbstregulierung soll Risikoappetit bremsen

Die Kreditvergabepolitik der Banken im Segment der Wohnrenditeliegenschaften in der Schweiz wird von der SNB als besonders risikobehaftet beurteilt. (Bild: Denis Linine/ Die grössten Risiken für die Finanzstabilität gehen für die inlandorientierten Banken unverändert vom Hypothekar- und Immobilienmarkt aus, warnt die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) im diesjährigen Bericht zur Finanzstabilität vom 13....

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Swiss exports to the US significantly exceed those to Germany for the first time

Swiss exports – © Alan Stoddard | According to an analysis by the Swiss broadcaster RTS, Switzerland’s EU exports have declined in recent years. Over the first quarter of 2019, for the first time, exports to the US exceeded those to Germany by more than CHF 1 billion reaching CHF 15.7 billion. Exports to the US have risen from 8.3% to 16.3% of total Swiss exports over the last 30 years. Another Swiss...

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