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Tag Archives: newsletter

Coronavirus biggest concern among Swiss, according to survey

© Artmim | The coronavirus pandemic and its consequences rank at the top of the list of Swiss concerns in 2020, according to a recent survey. This is the first time in the history of the Crédit Suisse Worry Barometer that a new issue has topped the list of people’s worries. Following in second and third place on the worry list were the state retirement provision and the issue of unemployment. A sample of Swiss citizens were asked to list their top five...

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What is “The Great Reset” and How to Prepare

“The Great Reset” is a term that we are hearing more frequently in the financial news today, but what exactly is “The Great Reset”? In Episode 16 of The Goldnomics Podcast, Stephen Flood, Mark O’Byrne and Dave Russell discuss “The Great Reset” and how it could impact investors, what they can do now to prepare themselves and their finances and the role that gold plays in protecting your wealth. [embedded content] [embedded content]...

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The US Savings Bond Scam

Remember savings bonds? They were popular before the central bank made sure that safe, low-interest investments became a thing of the past. Original Article: “The US Savings Bond Scam“. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. You Might Also Like A Review of Stephanie Kelton’s The Deficit Myth The good news is that Stephanie Kelton has written a...

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Dollar Bounce Likely to Fade

The negative virus news stream is taking a toll on market sentiment; the dollar is benefiting from the risk-off price action but is likely to fade Weekly jobless claims data will be of interest; Fed manufacturing surveys for November will continue to roll out; Judy Shelton’s Fed confirmation is looking less and less likely The row about EU funding takes center stage today as leaders hold a conference call to iron out their differences; UK CBI November industrial...

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FX Daily, November 20: US Treasury-Fed Dispute Spurs Handwringing but Immediate Market Impact was Exaggerated

Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.14% to 1.080 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, November 20(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: News that the stimulus talks between the House Democrats and Senate Republicans was the excuse traders were looking for to extend the US equity gains yesterday, but shortly after the close, confirmation that Treasury was not going to agree to extend several Fed facilities sent stocks...

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Strategische Ziele 2021 bis 2024

Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA veröffentlicht ihre strategischen Ziele für die Periode von 2021 bis 2024. Diese wurden heute vom Bundesrat genehmigt. Die insgesamt zehn Ziele zeigen auf, wie die FINMA ihr gesetzliches Mandat erfüllen will und welche Schwerpunkte sie dabei setzt. Die Ziele betreffen verschiedene Bereiche des Kunden- und Systemschutzes, aber auch betriebliche Themen. Mit dem Jahr 2021 bricht für die FINMA eine neue Strategieperiode an....

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Nuclear plant worker’s cancer judged not to be a work-related illness

The man worked as an expert inspector at Mühleberg nuclear power plant in 2010 Keystone The Federal Court has dismissed the appeal of a former employee of two Swiss nuclear power plants who was diagnosed with bladder and prostate cancer. The man took legal action after the national accident insurance fund refused benefits for an occupational illness. The now 52-year-old man worked at the Leibstadt nuclear power plant in 2003 and 2004. In 2010 he worked as an expert...

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Seth Levine: How I Process Ideas Into Investments

How I Process Ideas Into Investments Investing is incredibly hard. Mapping observations to security price movements are complex. Often, the relationships governing these moves are unknown. Yet, this is the investor’s task. I’ve used this blog as a tool for exploring some of these connections. It’s been incredibly rewarding. Not only has writing brought many of my wrong ideas to light, but it refined my process for constructing an investment portfolio. I now have an...

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Both Theory and Praxis: Rothbard’s Plan for Laissez-Faire Activism

It should be self-evident that a just and moral political regime can only exist in the long term if a sufficiently large number of people actually believe in it. Original Article: “Both Theory and Praxis: Rothbard’s Plan for Laissez-Faire Activism“. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. You Might Also Like How Historians Changed the Meaning of...

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Turkey Central Bank Preview

We expect the Turkish central bank (CBRT) to deliver a substantial rate hike at Thursday’s meeting but not as aggressive as consensus. Bloomberg’s median expectation is for a 475 bp hike. Our call is for a somewhat less aggressive move (perhaps around 400 bp) because the recent price action is likely to afford the new CBRT administration the confidence not to have to surprise on the upside. We think this makes sense. A large enough move to reaffirm the change of...

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