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Tag Archives: negative rates

Three unintended consequences of NIRP

Submitted by Patrick Watson via, Central bankers use low or negative interest rates so that it leads to more investment. For them interest rates are a consequence of the currently very low inflation rates. Patrick Watson argues in the exactly opposite way: Falling prices are a consequence of low interest rates and not the opposite: We see two reasons why this can be true: High, maybe excessive investment is happening in China (alas not in Europe). Cheap costs of...

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Spain Sells 3x Oversubscribed 50-Year Bond

Following a scramble by European nations to issue ultra long-dated government paper, which saw France and Belgium sell 50-year bonds last month, while Ireland and Belgium went all the way and issued century bonds, with even Switzerland locking in 42-year paper yesterday, moments ago Spain was the latest to extend maturities all the way to 2066 when it sold €3 billion in 50 year bonds at Midswaps+50. According to MarketNews, the issue was over 3 times oversubscribed with the orderbook...

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St. Louis Fed Slams Draghi, Kuroda – “Negative Rates Are Taxes In Sheep’s Clothing”

“At the end of the day, negative interest rates are taxes in sheep’s clothing. Few economists would ever claim that raising taxes on households will stimulate spending. So why would they think negative interest rates will?” Those are the shocking words of St.Louis Fed Director of Research Christopher Waller whose brief note today will be required reading for everyone at The Bank of Japan, The ECB and every other central banker on the verge of NIRP… If you pick up any principles of...

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Financial Revolution: ECB Blames You For Negative Interest Rates

Just after sunrise on April 19, 1775, a large contingent of British military troops arrived to the town of Lexington, Massachusetts. They were under orders to search for and confiscate all weapons and munitions from the colonials– something the British army had done countless times before. In many ways it was a routine operation. And yet, that morning, roughly 80 local militiamen stood blocking their path. Paul Revere had ridden through Lexington only hours before to warn residents of the...

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Switzerland: You know negative interest rates are bad when…

Switzerland is famous for being punctual. The trains. The buses. The meticulously crafted, hand polished luxury watches. The Swiss are so culturally punctual that they even tend to pay their taxes well in advance of the filing deadline. So it was quite a shock to hear this morning that the Swiss canton of Zug is asking its citizens to delay paying their taxes for as long as possible. Why? Negative interest rates. The cantonal government doesn’t want to take in a pile of cash, only to end...

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Gold And Negative Interest Rates

The Inflation Illusion We hear more and more talk about the possibility of imposing negative interest rates in the US. In a recent article former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke asks what tools the Fed has left to support the economy and inter alia discusses the use of negative rates. We first have to define what we mean by negative interest rates. For nominal rates it’s simple. When the interest rate charged goes negative we have negative nominal rates. To get the real rate of interest we have...

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Negative Rates: Jim Bianco Warns “The Risk Of An ‘Accident’ Is Very High”

In an interesting interview with Finanz und Wirtschaft, Bianco Research president Jim Bianco discusses a variety of topics such as negative interest rates turning the entire credit process upside down, bank balance sheets being even more complex and concentrated than before the financial crisis, energy loans being an accident waiting to happen, the markets having veto power over the Fed, and gold having more room to run. * * * Mr. Bianco, negative interest are causing a lot of stir at the...

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VIDEO: Why Japan Really Went Negative

Was the Bank of Japan’s surprise foray into negative interest rates this January truly motivated, as some have said, by a desire to weaken the yen? Watch Tomomi Inada, Chair of the Policy Research Council for Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party, discuss the central bank’s dramatic policy shift.  

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Negative Rates: Explaining the BoJ’s reticence

You’ll have noticed that the yen and Nikkei were displeased yesterday. Like throw your toys out of the pram because you didn’t get what you wanted displeased. Like one of the worst one day JPY moves in the past decade displeased. What they didn’t get, and what prompted that tantrum, was any auld bit of easing from the Bank of Japan. And here are eight potential reasons why the BoJ disappointed, from SocGen: 1) there is a risk that the market may once again perceive limits to the...

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Gold and Negative Interest Rates

The Inflation Illusion We hear more and more talk about the possibility of imposing negative interest rates in the US. In a recent article former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke asks what tools the Fed has left to support the economy and inter alia discusses the use of negative rates. We first have to define what we mean by negative interest rates. For nominal rates it’s simple. When the interest rate charged goes negative we have negative nominal rates. To get the real rate of interest we have...

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