It is a regrettable fact, but a fact nonetheless, that too many students of economic and monetary history have no idea where the principles and theories they espouse really came from. So many important thinkers, with unconventional and truly inquisitive minds, have been shut out of mainstream textbooks and were robbed of the prominent place they deserved in all our memories to make room for those with more expedient ideas. One such man is Gordon Tullock, an economist and law...
Planet Lockdown in the United States 🇺🇸 released their feature-length documentary in ten languages on the 15th of January 2022. “For Planet Lockdown we spoke to some of the brightest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters, a statesman and a prince. These brave souls had the courage to speak truth against all odds and inspire us to do the same. We must have the courage to overcome our fears. And once we do, it gets easier every...
Read More »The battle for control over the future of money
It’s no secret that governments and central planners of all stripes have long detested the rise of private money and independent digital currencies. They have tried to stifle the burgeoning crypto industry from the moment it attracted mainstream attention. For years, they have continued to add regulatory hurdles and threaten crypto holders and investors, as well as companies in this space, with unreasonable tax burdens and unrealistic disclosure requirements that...
Read More »The battle for control over the future of money
It’s no secret that governments and central planners of all stripes have long detested the rise of private money and independent digital currencies. They have tried to stifle the burgeoning crypto industry from the moment it attracted mainstream attention. For years, they have continued to add regulatory hurdles and threaten crypto holders and investors, as well as companies in this space, with unreasonable tax burdens and unrealistic disclosure requirements that come with hefty...
Read More »Swiss stocking up on gold!
How planning ahead and preparing for what lies ahead is a lesson everyone needs to learn Over the last couple of months, it has become clear from conversations with friends and partners from the gold industry that there is a marked increase in retail demand for physical gold from Swiss investors. The most interesting thing about this development is that the bulk of new orders is coming from smaller accounts, showing that it’s ordinary savers and citizens that are driving this...
Read More »“Radical efforts seldom work if they are deprived of common sense”
Interview with Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo: Part I of II Even from the early days of the covid crisis, most sensible observers were concerned that the risk of mass panic and of fear overtaking reason was going to be much higher and much more severe than the biological threat itself. As the weeks and months went on, those concerns were substantiated, as politicians and the media all over the world fueled the flames, bombarded the public with apocalyptic images and chose...
Read More »Kahlil Gibran’s “The Prophet”
Goodreads rating 4.22. Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd when he stands before the king whose hand is to be laid upon him in honour. … Surely there is no greater gift to a man than that which turns all his aims into parching lips and all life into a fountain. And in this lies my honour and my reward,—That whenever I come to the fountain to drink I find the living water itself thirsty; And it drinks me while I drink it. … If these be vague words, then seek not to...
Read More »“If you increase the competition of ideas, more truth emerges”
Interview with Icaros For this interview, I have reached out to Icaros, principal author of the blog He is part of a group of liberty lovers working to build a “freedom cell” in the Swiss Alps. Before the interview, he told me the project is advancing well, as four new families have joined recently. I also happen to know him in real life, although he is completely unaffiliated to my commercial activity. His background is information technology, and he sees the...
Read More »Peter Bieri’s “Das Handwerk der Freiheit”
Goodreads rating 3.76. An inquiry into language and personal experience. Bieri analyzes notions of free will, their basis or vacuousness, and their consequences. A powerful dissection of language and experience. Wille ist bedingt durch Historie. Ein unbedingt freier Wille wäre nicht der Wille der Person; er wäre unberechenbar und zufällig — nicht das, nach dem sich Verfechter eines unbedingt freien Willens sehnen. Freier und unfreier Wille sind bedingt. Bedingt freier Wille hat...
Read More »Switzerland – The safest haven from the Covid storm
Switzerland remains a “special case” As we now enter fall and the news cycle continues to be dominated by Covid-related stories, the “second wave” and new lockdowns and restrictions being enforced all around the globe, hopes of a swift recovery have by now completely evaporated in all rational investors’ minds. It is clear that this surreal new state of affairs is here to stay, as we all get acquainted with this “new normal” in the way we do business and in our daily lives. What...
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