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Tag Archives: Featured

Public Healthcare Threatens Liberty in the U.S.

Despite higher healthcare costs, Americans receive better healthcare, provided by the individually tailored healthcare plans, courtesy of the private sector.  There is no such thing as a free lunch. Whether you pay with your time or someone else’s money, Milton Freedman hit the nail on the head. Nothing in life is ever free; healthcare included. Many Americans argue that a universal healthcare system such as the ones implemented in Europe is the most...

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Hong Kong Stocks Pivot Euro$ #5

The stock market hasn’t been moneyed; well, US equities, anyway. What do I mean by “moneyed?” Common perceptions (myth) link the Federal Reserve’s so-called money printing (bank reserves) with share prices. Everyone still thinks there’s a direct monetary injection in this case by the central monetary agency which causes stocks to rise for no good reason. While we don’t have to argue the Fed’s bank reserves here, the truth of the matter is stocks have been severed...

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Police Botched the Uvalde Standoff. Now Gun Controllers Want to Give Police More Power.

First it was Columbine. Then it was Parkland. Now, we learn that at Robb Elementary School, police officers again stood around outside a school while the killer was inside with children. NPR reports today: Frustrated onlookers urged police officers to charge into the Texas elementary school where a gunman’s rampage killed 19 children and two teachers, witnesses said Wednesday, as investigators worked to track the massacre that lasted upwards of 40 minutes and ended...

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Peace through Strength? Excessive US Military Spending Encourages More War

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought America’s foreign policy interventions under the limelight once again. Ryan McMaken argues that the US administration’s claim that countries should not have the right to a sphere of influence, implicitly addressing Russia, is hypocritical. The US opposes a sphere of influence for Russia and other regional powers, while at the same time has steadily expanded its own global outreach. Among other, one can judge how true this...

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Economic divide: how equal is Switzerland’s wealth distribution?

In canton Zug in central Switzerland, the richest 10% earn almost half of all income and provide 88% of all cantonal tax revenue. Keystone / Urs Flueeler While the gap between rich and poor has been steadily widening in many countries, the situation in Switzerland has remained stable over the past decades, according to recent statistics. Yet while income distribution in the Alpine nation is relatively egalitarian, wealth is more concentrated in the hands of the...

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Noninterventionism Is Not Isolationism: The US Government Should Stop Arming Ukraine

Proponents of arming Ukraine against Russia call critics “isolationists” as a pejorative term. But these “entangling alliances” have a history of sad endings with tragic results. Original Article: “Noninterventionism Is Not Isolationism: The US Government Should Stop Arming Ukraine” Libertarians, liberty-wing Republicans, and other opponents of nondefensive wars are popularly misconceived as having an “every man for himself” approach to both economics and...

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Crude Contradictions Therefore Uncertainty And Big Volatility

This one took some real, well, talent. It was late morning on April 11, the crude oil market was in some distress. The price was falling faster, already down sharply over just the preceding two weeks. Going from $115 per barrel to suddenly less than $95, there was some real fear there. But what really caught my attention was the flattening WTI futures curve. Up in the liquid front, it was closing in on contango and had it achieved that reshaping it would have been,...

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Switzerland grew more cereals in 2021

In 2021, the area under cereals (146 400 ha) increased by 3% compared with 2020, while that under potatoes (-2%) and sugar beet (-8%) decreased. The number of farms (48 864) fell further, while organic farming continued to grow. While the number of dairy cows stabilised, the number of poultry continued its upward trajectory (+1.1%). Furthermore, 150 200 people (+0.5%) worked on farms in Switzerland. These results are taken from the farm structure survey 2021...

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The Russo-Ukrainian War: A New Opportunity for Demagogues to Destroy Freedoms at Home

Politicians thoroughly enjoy times of war. Periods of bellicosity are when the most power-hungry members of the political class indulge in their most depraved political fantasies. The Russo-Ukrainian War has been no exception to this trend. Western politicians have been taking advantage of the largest conventional military conflict on European soil since World War II to crack down on civil liberties at home and drag their countries closer to an open conflict with a...

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44 Länder treffen sich in El Salvador

El Salvador ist zum Pilotprojekt für die internationale Finanzwelt geworden. Nachdem das kleine Land Bitcoin als legales Zahlungsmittel eingeführt hat, ist es nicht nur im Internet berühmt geworden, El Salvador ist auf dem Radar vieler Länder aufgetaucht – mit großem Interesse verfolgt man, wie sich der BTC im Land entwickelt. Nun wollen insgesamt 44 Länder vor Ort sehen, wie El Salvador Bitcoin in sein Finanz- und Wirtschaftssystem eingebunden hat. Bitcoin News: 44...

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