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Tag Archives: Featured

Who Pays Wealth Tax: The Rich or the Poor?

The Spanish government’s announcement that it plans to introduce a new “solidarity tax” on the wealth of those who possess over €3 million has again brought to the fore the debate about taxes levied on wealth and capital. The issue is not merely that the announcement is highly politicized in what is already, de facto, a preelection period, nor that it could disrupt the fiscal autonomy of Madrid, Andalusia, and Galicia. (Let us recall that these regions comprise...

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The way forward: 

A practical roadmap to reclaiming individual and financial sovereignty – Part I of II Those who are familiar with my ideas and my writings undoubtedly know that one the issues I’m most passionate about is individual freedom, on all levels. I believe that free-thinking people know what’s best of them and they need no “guardians”, no “nannies” and certainly no bailiffs and enforcers, to limit or to dictate their choices “for their own good”. As long as...

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Hope Springs Eternal in China

Overview: Hope that the recent events in China are cathartic continues to lift risk appetites. Led by Hong Kong and mainland shares that trade there, the large bourses in the Asia Pacific region rallied. Japan, where macro data continues to disappoint, was the notable exception. Europe’s Stoxx 600 is snapping a three-day down draft and is up about 0.6% in late morning turnover. US futures are trading with a slightly firmer bias. The 10-year US Treasury yield is...

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Issuance calendar for Confederation bonds and money market debt register claims in 2023

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) and the Federal Finance Administration (FFA) advise as follows: The FFA plans to issue bonds with a face value of CHF 8 billion in 2023. Taking account of bonds maturing in 2023, the volume of bonds outstanding will increase by CHF 3.4 billion. The volume of outstanding money market debt register claims will be kept in a range between CHF 12 billion and 18 billion. Bond auctions take place monthly, except in August, while money market...

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Solution found in construction labour dispute

Swiss builders will receive CHF150 more a month in effective wages from next year © Keystone / Salvatore Di Nolfi Construction workers and trade unions in Switzerland have reached an agreement in a long-running labour dispute. Builders will receive CHF150 ($158) more a month in effective wages from next year and minimum wages will increase by CHF100 a month. The new national agreement, reached on Monday night “after intensive negotiations”, will take effect on...

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SNB-Vize Schlegel signalisiert neuen Zinsschritt im Dezember

SNB-Vize Martin Schlegel hat angedeutet, dass die Schweizerische Nationalbank die Leitzinsen im Dezember erneut anheben wird. Er betonte die Notwendigkeit, das starke Wachstum der Konsumentenpreise zu bekämpfen. Die Inflation liege über dem Zielwert, sei also für die Notenbank immer noch zu hoch, sagte Schlegel am Dienstag auf einer Konferenz im liechtensteinischen Vaduz. “Wir werden alles tun, um Preisstabilität zu gewährleisten.” Die SNB hat die Zinsen in diesem...

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Money-Supply Growth in October Fell to a 39-Month Low. A Recession Is Now Almost Guaranteed.

Money supply growth fell again in October, dropping to a 39-month low. October’s drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during the thirteen months between April 2020 and April 2021. During that period, money supply growth in the United States often climbed above 35 percent year over year, well above even the “high” levels experienced from 2009 to 2013. During October 2022, year-over-year (YOY) growth in the money supply was...

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Vortrag in Regen am 17.12.2022 Vortrag von Claudio Grass am Samstag, 17. Dezember 2022 in Regen Der «Great Reset» und was es wirklich bedeutet Claudio Grass stellt die  «geistigen Täter» der heutigen Gesellschafts- und Systemkrise vor und erklärt, was hinter dem Schlachtruf «der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen» steckt. Er beleuchtet die Geschichte des Geldes und des heutigen Bankensystems. Was bedeutet Inflation und wer ist...

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China Steps away from the Abyss and Animal Spirits are Rekindled

Overview: Chinese officials using the carrot and the stick have succeeded in dampening the protests and easing some anxiety and rekindled the animal spirits. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng rallied 5.25% and its index of mainland shares surged 6.20%. South Korea and Taiwan indices gained more than 1%. Among the large bourses, only Japan failed to advance. Softer than expected Spanish and German inflation may also be helping the Stoxx 600 recoup around half of yesterday’s...

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Swiss rents set to rise as much as 15 percent

© Beriliu | Close to half of renters is Switzerland could face significant increases in rent, estimates Zürich Kantonalbank (ZKB), with rents potentially rising as much as 15% over the next five years, reported the newspaper Blick. The reference mortgage rate used to set rents, which was has been 1.25% since March 2020 could rise as high as 2.5% between now and 2027, said the bank in a recently published real estate report. This means that any leases...

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