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For The Dollar, Not How Much But How Long Therefore How Familiar

Brazil’s stock market was rocked yesterday by politics. The country’s “populist” President, Jair Bolsonaro, said he was going to name an army general who had served with Bolsomito (a nickname given to him by supporters) during that country’s prior military dictatorship as CEO of state-owned oil giant Petróleo Brasileiro SA. Gen. Joaquim Silva e Luna is being installed, allegedly, to facilitate more direct control of the company by the federal government. With the...

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Just Leave Cuba Alone

Unfortunately, Joe Biden is your prime example of a standard Washington, D.C., politician. As such, as president he will just accept the status quo, defer to the national-security establishment, and do his best to make the welfare-warfare state function efficiently. That means that the U.S. policy of interventionism and regime change toward Cuba will continue to remain the same as it has been since Cuban revolutionaries ousted the U.S. dictator Fulgencio Batista in...

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Two tales of women’s suffrage

Swiss men continued to deny women the right to vote until 1971. This inspired two Swiss-based authors to tell stories of women experiencing the fight for women's suffrage at first hand. In The Other Daughter by British author Caroline Bishop, one of the key protagonists, Sylvia, is a reporter sent to Switzerland on a mission to find out the effect of the introduction of female suffrage. Voting Day by Irish writer Clare O'Dea is set on the day that men first voted...

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Health & Wealth – Bill Bonner [S.2, E. 2]

Be Sure to Subscribe to My Podcast: • What was once a side project is now a newsletter powerhouse… Author, lawyer and businessman Bill Bonner established his publishing career by communicating ideas that are often underrepresented. Bonner discusses the humble beginnings of his business, the focus of his publications and his predictions for the future of financial publishing and our country with Agora colleague and host,...

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Swiss tourism boss says ski resort openings have been justified

Off-piste in Klosters, canton Graubünden. © Keystone / Christian Beutler The head of the Switzerland Tourism organisation reckons the decision to open ski resorts in the country this winter has – so far – proven to be a good one. “There were no big [virus] outbreaks, no ski resort became a hotspot, there was no major reputational damage for Switzerland – none of these fears materialised,” said Martin Nydegger in an interview with the CH-Media group on Tuesday....

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FX Daily, February 23: Dramatic Market Adjustment Continues

Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.38% to 1.0931 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, February 23(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: Rising rates continue to spur a rotation and retreat in stocks. Yesterday the NASDAQ sold-off by nearly 2.5% while the Dow Industrials eked out a minor gain. Equities are mostly higher in the Asia Pacific region while Japanese markets were on holiday. Hong Kong led the advancers, but...

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Pandemic pushes Swiss away from cash 

Will cash machines soon be a thing of the past? © Keystone / Christian Beutler Cash has lost its appeal among the Swiss population as the coronavirus pandemic led more people to pay by bank card, mobile app or online, a recent survey has found. The survey by financial services website found that for the first time, cash is no longer people’s preferred method of payment. “ expects that cash will continue to lose in importance,” said...

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in January 2021: -2.1 percent YoY, +0.3 percent MoM

The Producer Price Index (PPI) or officially named “Producer and Import Price Index” describes the changes in prices for producers and importers. For us it is interesting because it is used in the formula for the Real Effective Exchange Rate. When producers and importers profit on lower price changes when compared to other countries, then the Swiss Franc reduces its overvaluation. The Swiss PPI values of -6% in 2015 (see below), compared to -3% in Europe or -1% in...

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The Drive for State and Federal Protective Tariffs in Early America

[Chapter 3 of Rothbard’s newly edited and released Conceived in Liberty, vol. 5, The New Republic: 1784–1791.] Every depression generates a clamor among many groups for special privileges at the expense of the rest of society—and the American depression that struck in 1784–1785 was no exception. If excess imports were the culprit, then voluntary economizing could help matters, and the press was filled with silly fulminations against ladies wearing imported finery....

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“Weapons of Mass Destruction”: The Last Refuge of the Global Interventionist

The threat of “nuclear proliferation” remains one of the great catch-all reasons—the other being “humanitarian” intervention—given for why the US regime and its allies ought to be given unlimited power to invade foreign states and impose sanctions at any given time. We saw this at work during the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It was said that nuclear weapons were among the “weapons of mass destruction” being developed or harbored by Saddam Hussein’s regime....

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