Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Most people regard gold as a dry asset, to lock away in a vault, incurring storage fees. Many are waiting for it to rise in price. Keith and Monetary Metals are on a mission to change this. Follow Zuby - Follow Oliver - Subscribe to the 'Real Talk With Zuby' podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify & more -...
Read More »Tether wird neuen Stablecoin rausbringen
Tether hat bekanntgegeben, dass man schon im Juli einen neuen Stablecoin launchen wird. Dieser wird mit Britischen Pfund gedeckt sein. Damit folgt man der Strategie, die Tether bereits zuvor dazu veranlasste, einen Cryptocoin namens MXNT herauszubringen – dieser wird durch Mexikanische Pesos gedeckt. Crypto News: Tether wird neuen Stablecoin rausbringenEine Innovation wird es jedoch bei diesem Projekt geben. Der GBPT, so der aktuelle Name des neuen Stablecoins, wird...
Read More »Johnson’s Ability to Lead Tories into Victory at Risk with Today’s By-Elections
Overview: Asia Pacific equities were mixed. Gains were recorded in China, Hong Kong, Australia, and India, among the large markets, while Japan was mostly flat and South Korea and Taiwan shares fell. Europe's Stoxx 600 is off about 0.7%, the same as yesterday. US futures are slightly firmer. The rally in bonds continues. After falling nearly a dozen basis points yesterday, the US 10-year yield is off another 5 bp today around 3.10% it is near two-and-a-half week...
Read More »Switzerland to ease exchange of Ukrainian currency in line with EU
Keystone/Georgios Kefalas Refugees with a special legal status will be able to exchange a limited amount of Ukranian banknotes for Swiss francs. The Swiss government on Wednesday announced that adults with a protection S status may exchange one amount of up to 10,000 hryvnia – the equivalent of CHF300 ($310.50) at selected branches of the two main Swiss banks, UBS and Credit Suisse. The regulation is due to come into force next Monday, according to the State...
Read More »Everything Hitting The Global (eurodollar) Wall
Over the weekend, Bitcoin tumbled again. Reaching an ultra-ugly low of $17,641 (before retracing back above $20k), even the self-styled premier digital “store of value” has thrown in the towel. As I wrote last week, winter isn’t coming it is here. One crucial reason why, the Japan’s Ministry of Finance reported last week how imports into that country during the tumultuous month of April surged by a frankly ridiculous 48.9% year-over-year. It was the biggest annual...
Read More »SNB-Entscheid treibt Hypozinsen auf Zehnjahreshoch
Hypotheken sind bereits massiv teurer geworden. (Bild: Dechev) Die Inflation und die Leitzins-Erhöhung durch die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) am 16. Juni 2022 ( berichtete) haben Auswirkungen auf den Hypothekarmarkt. Die Richtzinssätze für Schweizer Festhypotheken sind seit Anfang des Jahres beispiellos angestiegen. Seit Juli 2011 notierten die Festhypotheken laut nicht mehr so hoch. Obwohl sich die...
Read More »Personalbestand in der Bankbranche nimmt zu
Die Zahl der bei Banken in der Schweiz beschäftigten Mitarbeitenden stieg im vergangenen Jahr gemäss der Bankenstatistik der SNB um 0,7 Prozent auf 90’577. Trotz anspruchsvollem Umfeld und der Pandemie-Situation ist das zum zweiten Mal in Folge ein leichter Anstieg. Der Anteil der weiblichen Beschäftigten in der Schweizer Bankbranche bleibt mit knapp 38% im Vergleich zum Vojahr unverändert. (Bild: Wie die am Donnerstag veröffentlichte...
Read More »Goldman Sachs “Reverse Currency Wars” thesis, forecast EUR/CHF as low as 0.95
Goldman Sachs discusses CHF outlook and maintains a bullish bias over the medium-term. ‘The SNB surprised markets with a 50bp hike last week and a change to its intervention framework. The move confirms our bullish view on the Franc and is the strongest evidence yet of our “Reverse Currency Wars” thesis-the era of targeting weaker exchange rates is over (and accelerating through the year) is probably too high relative to the SNB’s inflation aim. The Bank’s...
Read More »The Great Crash of 2022
We are now well past the corona crisis of 2020, and most of the restrictions around the world have been repealed or loosened. However, the long-term consequences of arbitrary and destructive corona policies are still with us—in fact, we are now in the middle of the inevitable economic crisis. Proclaiming the great crash and economic crisis of 2022 is at this point not especially prescient or insightful, as commentators have been predicting it for months. The cause is...
Read More »Response to Jeff Snider’s Criticism of Bitcoin – E244
Member video Full show notes As listeners to this podcast know, I've been pretty well convinced of the Eurodollar system framework. Jeff Snider is the primary expert on this field today, and his popularity has started to spread rapidly. Though Jeff is an expert in the current system, his critique of bitcoin leaves room for improvement. In this episode, I breakdown part of a recent podcast he was on...
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