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The Tyranny of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

In Freedom and the Law, Bruno Leoni argues that the main threat to liberty comes not from overweening officials but from the law that empowers them. As Murray Rothbard puts it, “The real and underlying menace to individual freedom is not the administrator but the legislative statute that makes the administrative ruling possible.” In that light, we can see that woke tyranny does not come from the self-important diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) officers who claim...

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Biblical Critical Theory Is Not Biblical. It’s Watered-Down Marxism

Christianity Today magazine, founded by Billy Graham, chose Christopher Watkin’s book, Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture, as one of its 2024 Book Awards and the book most likely “to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.” Other Christian organizations promote the book too. Nonreligious readers won’t care, but they need to keep in mind that most people won’t take a class or read a book on economics....

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Human Action Conference 2024

Students apply for a scholarship here. "Once in a great while, a book appears that both embodies and dramatically extends centuries of accumulated wisdom in a particular discipline, and, at the same time, radically challenges the intellectual and political consensus of the day. Human Action by Ludwig von Mises is such a book, and more: a comprehensive treatise on economic science that would lay the foundation for a massive shift in intellectual opinion that is still...

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More than 17,000 drivers fined in a month on one Zurich street

At the end of September 2023, driving was banned on a 60 metre section of Langstrasse in Zurich. To enforce the ban, cameras were later set up on 8 January 2024 to catch and fine errant drivers. Since then 17,310 fines have been issued. © Thomas-Stoiber – Dreamstime.comThe driving ban, which excludes buses, was introduced to make the area more cycling friendly and applies from 5:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. At CHF 100 each, the recent fines have generated 1.7 million of...

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Does Libertarianism Require Support for Open Borders?

Dave Smith makes the Rothbardian/Hoppean case for government restriction on immigration, arguing that it's a second-best solution given the undeniable fact of government control of "public" property. Bob plays devil's advocate to raise possible objections to Dave's framework. Rothbard, "Nations by Consent": Hans-Hermann Hoppe, "On Free Immigration and Forced Integration": Bryan Caplan, "A Radical Case for Open Borders":...

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US States Have a Long History of Defaulting

The American bankruptcy show of the twenty-first century continues unabated with federal and state government spending. History reveals that some states have defaulted through not meeting a required bond payment, leaving the bondholders and that state’s taxpayers with a debt problem. Today, we might call a state government bond payment default a bankruptcy. Many bankruptcy filings today are governed by Chapters 7, 9, 11, and 13 of the United States bankruptcy code,...

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How the Economy Changed: There’s No Bargains Left Anywhere

What changed in the economy is now nobody can afford to get by on working-class wages because there’s no longer any bargains. The economy has changed in many ways, and it’s difficult to track the glacial movements over decades. One change that few seem to recognize or discuss is the disappearance of bargains: cheap rent, cheap meals at hole-in-the-wall restaurants, cheap transport, cheap travel, cheap services–all gone. Back in the day, even stupidly expensive...

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Misunderstanding Both Lincoln and Basic Economics

Our Ancient Faith: Lincoln, Democracy, and the American Experimentby Allen C. GuelzoAlfred A. Knopf, 2024; 247 pp. Allen Guelzo has been carried away by Abraham Lincoln’s magniloquent rhetoric. Guelzo, a historian who has written a number of books about Lincoln, would like very much to believe that his hero was a champion of individual rights and economic freedom. Lincoln’s ideal for America was of a nation with a large number of small businesses, allowing people to...

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Parlamentskommission reicht in Credit-Suisse-Untersuchung Anzeige ein

Die Sonderkommission des Schweizer Parlaments zur Untersuchung des Credit-Suisse-Debakels geht gegen Indiskretionen vor. Die Sonderkommission des Schweizer Parlaments zur Untersuchung des Credit-Suisse-Debakels geht gegen Indiskretionen vor. In den vergangenen zwei Wochen seien wiederholt Medienberichte über mutmassliche Inhalte vereinzelter Anhörungen erschienen, wie die Parlamentarischen Untersuchungskommission (PUK) am Freitag mitteilte. Als Reaktion habe der...

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Hubris Runs Rampant at the Fed

Prices will always increase, some small banks will fail, and the Fed was asleep at the switch when the run on Silicon Valley Bank occurred. Fed chair Jerome Powell admitted those three things in response to Scott Pelley’s questions on 60 Minutes. “But the overall price level doesn’t come down. It will fluctuate. And some . . . goods and services will go up, others will go down. But overall, in aggregate, the price level doesn’t tend to go down except in fairly...

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