Overview: The dollar is bid as the upside correction that began last week continues today. The greenback is trading above last week's highs against most of the G10 currencies. The yen is the notable exception. Comments by BOJ Governor Ueda has reiterated his intention to raise rates further provided the economy continues to perform as the central bank expects. The dollar has unwound yesterday's gains against the yen and is lower than last week's close (~JPY146.15)....
Read More »The mystery of Switzerland’s surging imports of Uzbek and Kazakh gold
Sanctions against Russia have led to a rerouting of global gold trade flows. Afp Or Licensors Listen to the article Listening the article Toggle language selector...
Read More »Risks Facing Bullish Investors As September Begins
Since the end of the “Yen Carry Trade” correction in August, bullish positioning has returned with a vengeance, yet two key risks face investors as September begins. While bullish positioning and optimism are ingredients for a rising market, there is more to this story. It is true that “a rising tide lifts all boats,” meaning that as the market rises, investors begin to chase higher stock prices, leading to a virtual buying spiral. Such leads to an improvement in...
Read More »Abgedroschen: “Stärkung der Verteidigungsfähigkeit”
Viele Medienmitteilungen des VBS enden mit dem Versprechen, dass die rapportierte Aktion der “Stärkung der Verteidigungsfähigkeit” dient (Beispiele unten) – als ob man es extra erwähnen müsste. Oder ist dies nicht ein permanenter Auftrag an die Armee? Im VBS wird unterdessen so viel für die Stärkung der Verteidigungsfähigkeit getan, dass einem schwindlig wird. Unterdessen wird fast jede erfolgreich abgeschlossene Tätigkeit, jeder Kontakt mit Externen, jede...
Read More »Swiss flies to Tel Aviv again on Thursday
More Canton Graubünden wants to cull National Park wolf pack This content was published on Sep 3, 2024 Canton Graubünden blames the wolf pack for killing cattle in the region....
Read More »Gross domestic product in the 2nd quarter of 2024: Swiss economic growth above average
In the second quarter of 2024, Switzerland's GDP adjusted for sporting events grew by 0.5%, following 0.3% in the previous quarter. This result was slightly above average, driven by the strong expansion of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Growth in the other sectors was mixed, reflecting weak domestic demand. Download press release...
Read More »Inflation im August sinkt stärker als erwartet – Ökonomen sehen Nationalbank gefordert
Inflation unter Kontrolle Seit Anfang Jahr schwankt die hiesige Inflation nun im Bereich von 1,0 bis 1,4 Prozent, davor war sie im August 2022 bis auf einen Höchstwert von 3,5 Prozent gestiegen. Im Vergleich zum Ausland steht die Schweiz weiterhin besser da, allerdings sind die Unterschiede zuletzt deutlich geringer geworden. In der Eurozone lag der letzte verfügbare Wert (August) noch bei 2,2 Prozent, in den USA (Juli) bei 2,9 Prozent. [embedded content]...
Read More »Consumer prices remained stable in August
03.09.2024 - The consumer price index (CPI) remained unchanged in August 2024 compared with the previous month at 107.5 points (December 2020 = 100). Inflation was +1.1% compared with the same month of the previous year. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).The stability of the index compared with the previous month was the result of...
Read More »Free Speech and Legislative Bans on DEI
In March 2024 Alabama enacted a law “to prohibit certain public entities from maintaining diversity, equity, and inclusion offices and from sponsoring diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.” The law will come into force in October 2024. Similarly, anti-woke law in Florida provides that “subjecting individuals to specified concepts under certain circumstances constitutes discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin.”Many libertarians are ambivalent...
Read More »Weekly Market Pulse: It’s An Uncertain World
You’re going to hear a lot of talk about the yield curve soon and what it means for “the” yield curve to uninvert (which isn’t a real word but will get used a lot). The difference between the 10-year Treasury note yield and the 2-year Treasury note yield is about to turn positive, the 2-year note yield recently falling a bit more rapidly than the 10-year. You’ll see a lot of pundits say with great confidence that this means we are on the verge of recession. Which may...
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