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Home / SNB & CHF (page 88)


The Present Monetary System Is Heading for a Breakdown

Many economists incorrectly assume a growing economy also requires a growing money stock, assuming that economic growth gives rise to a greater demand for money. It is held that failing to increase money to facilitate increased trade will lead to a decline in prices of goods and services, destabilizing the economy and leading to an economic downturn.Some commentators believe that the lack of a flexible mechanism coordinating demand versus the money supply is the...

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QJAE: Man of Action: Murray N. Rothbard’s Contributions to the Theory of Entrepreneurship

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order....

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Taurus Partners with Aktionariat to Launch Token Secondary Market for SMEs

Swiss equity token specialist Aktionariat AG and securities firm Taurus SA announced a new partnership. Aktionariat’s tokenization tools and Taurus Digital Exchange (TDX) organized trading facility are natural complements. Under the newly announced partnership, Taurus will support selected shares tokenized with Aktionariat on the Ethereum blockchain and Aktionariat will offer client companies a smooth path towards being admitted to trading on TDX as they grow in...

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Israeli airstrike kills Hezbollah leader Nasrallah

Israel’s killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has further fuelled geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and intensified the war at its border with Lebanon. The Iran-backed militant group says it will continue to fight, even as a growing number of senior Hezbollah figures have been killed, per CNN.Airstrikes hit Beirut in the early hours of Monday morning, marking the first time attacks landed within the city limits of the Lebanese...

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So entwickeln sich Bitcoin, Litecoin & Co am Sonntagnachmittag am Kryptomarkt

Bitcoinkurs & Co. aktuell: So steht es am Sonntagnachmittag um die Kurse der Digitalwährungen Am Sonntagnachmittag knickt der Bitcoin-Kurs ein. Um 17:10 sank Bitcoin um -0,43 Prozent auf 65.635,38 US-Dollar und damit unter den Stand vom Vortag (65.919,60 US-Dollar). In der Zwischenzeit muss Bitcoin Cash Verluste verbuchen. Um 17:09 fällt der Bitcoin Cash-Kurs um -1,17 Prozent auf 349,05 US-Dollar. Am Vortag standen noch 353,20 US-Dollar an der Tafel. Daneben...

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Ludwig von Mises, Hero

In 1981, when I was thinking about starting the Mises Institute, the two things that really motivated me were, one, that I thought that the Austrian school was diminishing in influence in this country and other countries. The other thing: I thought that Mises, who I thought was such a great hero, was no longer being recognized. I thought that was an alarming and quite a terrible thing.So, I asked Mrs. Mises to her favorite restaurant, which was the Russian Tea Room,...

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October 2024 Monthly

With the Federal Reserve's 50 bp rate cut, seven of the G10 central banks have begun an easing cycle that will extend, broaden, and may accelerate going forward. Australia and Norway will likely join the party next year, while some, like Canada and Sweden may increase the pace of its cuts in Q4. Beijing jumped into the mix, with rate cuts, reserve requirement reductions, and a flood of liquidity aimed at supporting the housing and property markets, and industry...

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Underdog Moicano Wins UFC Fight, Bashes Macron in France, Promotes Hoppe

This past February, Brazilian UFC fighter Renato Moicano went viral after taking the microphone after a victorious fight to promote the work of Ludwig von Mises. In his own words, “If you care about your motherf******* country, read Ludwig von Mises and the six lessons of the Austrian school.”Today, at UFC Fight Night 243, Moicano returned to the octagon as a strong underdog against French fighter Benoit Saint Denis. What odds-makers didn’t take into account was...

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