Innerhalb weniger Stunden verloren zwei Cryptocoins genannt GMT und Green Satoshi etwa die Hälfte ihres Werts. Die Ursache für den Crash zeigt, wie staatliche Eingriffe den Markt zum Glückspiel machen können. Crypto News: China sorgt für Crash des Altcoins STEPNGreen Satoshi fiel von knapp über 2 US-Dollar auf etwas mehr als einen Dollar. GMT fiel von 1,38 US-Dollar auf ungefähr 0,80 US-Dollar. Was war passiert?Beide Altcoins sind über das Projekt STEPN verbunden....
Read More »Fed is Hiking when it should be Cutting [Eurodollar University, Ep. 238]
The Federal Reserve is hiking rates as part of political theater in response to pressure from the legislative and executive branches of the US government. 'Do something!' A panoply of economic, monetary and financial accounts are screaming for looser monetary policy, not tighter. ----EP. 238 REFERENCES---- History Shows the Fed Would Be Cutting Rates by Now: Alhambra Investments Blog: RealClear Markets Essays: Epoch Times...
Read More »Public Healthcare Threatens Liberty in the U.S.
Despite higher healthcare costs, Americans receive better healthcare, provided by the individually tailored healthcare plans, courtesy of the private sector. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Whether you pay with your time or someone else’s money, Milton Freedman hit the nail on the head. Nothing in life is ever free; healthcare included. Many Americans argue that a universal healthcare system such as the ones implemented in Europe is the most...
Read More »Hong Kong Stocks Pivot Euro$ #5
The stock market hasn’t been moneyed; well, US equities, anyway. What do I mean by “moneyed?” Common perceptions (myth) link the Federal Reserve’s so-called money printing (bank reserves) with share prices. Everyone still thinks there’s a direct monetary injection in this case by the central monetary agency which causes stocks to rise for no good reason. While we don’t have to argue the Fed’s bank reserves here, the truth of the matter is stocks have been severed...
Read More »Police Botched the Uvalde Standoff. Now Gun Controllers Want to Give Police More Power.
First it was Columbine. Then it was Parkland. Now, we learn that at Robb Elementary School, police officers again stood around outside a school while the killer was inside with children. NPR reports today: Frustrated onlookers urged police officers to charge into the Texas elementary school where a gunman’s rampage killed 19 children and two teachers, witnesses said Wednesday, as investigators worked to track the massacre that lasted upwards of 40 minutes and ended...
Read More »Peace through Strength? Excessive US Military Spending Encourages More War
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought America’s foreign policy interventions under the limelight once again. Ryan McMaken argues that the US administration’s claim that countries should not have the right to a sphere of influence, implicitly addressing Russia, is hypocritical. The US opposes a sphere of influence for Russia and other regional powers, while at the same time has steadily expanded its own global outreach. Among other, one can judge how true this...
Read More »Economic divide: how equal is Switzerland’s wealth distribution?
In canton Zug in central Switzerland, the richest 10% earn almost half of all income and provide 88% of all cantonal tax revenue. Keystone / Urs Flueeler While the gap between rich and poor has been steadily widening in many countries, the situation in Switzerland has remained stable over the past decades, according to recent statistics. Yet while income distribution in the Alpine nation is relatively egalitarian, wealth is more concentrated in the hands of the...
Read More »Episode 2: The fondue invasion
The new episode of our "Switzerland says sorry" series tells the unbelievable story of how Switzerland «invented» fondue as a way to get rid of all the surplus cheese it produced but was unable to sell otherwise. The video gives a short insight into the Swiss Cheese Union, a mafia-like cheese cartel responsible for price-fixing, bribery and flooding the world with melted cheese. «Switzerland Says Sorry» is a work of satire. Written, performed and produced...
Read More »308: The Hidden Monetary System Running The World – Jeff Snider, Eurodollar University
Jason Hartman interviews Jeff Snider, Chief Investment Strategist and Head of Global Research at Alhambra Investment Partners. Consumer prices and asset markets have created the illusion of a red hot economy, but according to Jeff, the bond market has been telling us what's been wrong since 2008. Jeff shares with us some incredible data that shakes up traditional thinking and gives us his insights on the Federal Reserve, interest rate hikes, monetary policy and money printing and the...
Read More »Understanding Gold and The Death Blow to Crypto with Keith Weiner and Matthew Piepenburg
What is real wealth? What's the relationship between interest rates and Bitcoin? Do central banks know what they are doing? Matthew Piepenburg from Matterhorn Asset Management and Monetary Metals CEO Keith Weiner sit down to discuss it all. Earn Interest on Your Gold and Silver with Monetary Metals 🏆 Gold Financing, Simplified™ 🔐 The New Way to Hold Gold 📈 The Case for Gold Yield in Investment Portfolios 🏦...
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