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Even after Admitting She Underestimated Inflation, Janet Yellen Still Doesn’t Understand What It Is

According to the June 1, 2022, Financial Times, Janet Yellen, the US Treasury secretary conceded she was wrong last year about the path inflation would take. Yellen told CNN: There have been unanticipated and large shocks to the economy that have boosted energy and food prices and supply bottlenecks that have affected our economy badly that I didn’t fully understand, but we recognize that now. To be able to say something meaningful about inflation, it is necessary to...

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Will Interest Rate Hikes Fix Inflation?

Senator Elizabeth Warren and President Joe Biden claim that inflation[i] is caused by greedy corporations. And they propose to solve this problem by making the corporations pay. Whether it’s extracting a “windfall profits” tax, crushing them under even more regulation, or attacking them with antitrust enforcement, the idea is the same. They propose to harm the corporations which produce the things we need such as energy and food, which will somehow cause prices to...

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Huobi wird Lizenz in Thailand entzogen

Huobi, eine der größten Crypto-Börsen im asiatischen Raum, wurde die Lizenz in Thailand entzogen. Huobi ist auch außerhalb Asiens eine der größeren Börsen. Die Ursache für den Lizenzentzug sind Verstöße gegen staatliche Regulierungen. Crypto News: Huobi wird Lizenz in Thailand entzogenDer Status der Börse wurde mit sofortiger Wirkung auf „nicht autorisierte“ Plattform für den Handel digitaler Assets gesetzt. Der Schritt kommt nicht vollkommen überraschend, da die...

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ReSolve Riffs: Jeff Snider & Emil Kalinowski of Eurodollar University on Inflationary Market Signals

This week we had the pleasure of welcoming Jeff Snider (Head of Global Investment Research at Alhambra Investments) and Emil Kalinowski (enterprising investor, author and host of both a talk radio show and a podcast). Together, they co-host Eurodollar University podcast and shed light on the complexities of the global monetary system. Our conversation included: - Back to basics – how the global currency and monetary systems actually work - The origins of the Eurodollar system -...

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How Long Will Inflation Last 2022

What if we told you that you could predict the future? For today’s guest, this is certainly the case when it comes to future market events. He hasn’t got a crystal ball, instead, he has nearly 300 years of historical analysis and models that have led him to the conclusion that markets operate in clear, predictable cycles. For Charles Nenner there is little point in trying to explain why something happened because it did happen and it will happen again. Charles Nenner...

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On the Digital Future of Markets and Money

Thank you very much for the invitation. I am delighted to have the opportunity to share some thoughts with you on a topic I am very much interested in and that I believe is of the utmost importance to people around the globe—and that is “the digital future of markets and money.” So let us dive right in! When I was your age, dear students, there were no cell phones, no internet, no Google, no Amazon, no Facebook, no Twitter, no TikTok, no YouTube. People did not have...

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No, It’s Not “Greed” or “Price Gouging” that’s Driving up Gas Prices

Both consumer prices and producer rose near to multi-decade highs last month. Price inflation rose to 8.6 percent while wholesale producer prices rose by more than 10 percent. In both cases, a significant factor behind rising prices—but certainly not the only factor—was high energy prices. This has been reflected in prices related to transportation and shipping. Prices for air travel, for example, have seen some of the biggest price increases in recent months while...

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Personalbestand in der Bankbranche nimmt weiter zu

Die Zahl der bei Banken in der Schweiz beschäftigten Mitarbeitenden stieg im vergangenen Jahr gemäss der Bankenstatistik der SNB um 0,7 Prozent auf 90’577. Trotz anspruchsvollem Umfeld und der Pandemie-Situation ist das zum zweiten Mal in Folge ein leichter Anstieg. Der Anteil der weiblichen Beschäftigten in der Schweizer Bankbranche bleibt mit knapp 38% im Vergleich zum Vojahr unverändert. (Bild: Shutterstock.com/Fizkes) Wie die am Donnerstag veröffentlichte...

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Reaction Show: Jay Powell Opening Statement 75bps Hike [Eurodollar University, Ep. 249]

Jeff Snider reacts live to Jay Powell's June 15, 2022 opening statement to assembled members of the press regarding the Federal Reserve's 75-basis point rate hike to the Federal Funds target range: the overarching message, overall economic activity, inflation, labor, and the 3/4-point move. ----EP. 249 REFERENCES---- Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference June 15, 2022: https://bit.ly/3bbk40N Alhambra Investments Blog: https://bit.ly/3wh01G2 RealClear Markets Essays:...

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Unheeded warnings: Václav Klaus at the Marmara Forum

This not the first time that Václav Klaus’ astute observations and experience-based predictions turn out to be shockingly accurate years later, and I’m pretty confident it will not be the last. Even before the examples that follow and that he clearly laid out in his address at the Marmara Forum, the former President of the Czech Republic has repeatedly proven to be quite prophetic in his assessment of the future.  From his critique and his warnings about...

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