Although the Bank of England is largely responsible for inflation in the UK, its leaders blame British consumers and workers for the price increases. Original Article: "Bank of England Economist: Britons Need to Accept That They’re Poorer" [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Week Ahead: Australia and Canada–Hawkish Hold? US Bill Issuance Jumps
True to the historic pattern, the US debt ceiling was used by the party not in control of the executive branch to exact spending concessions. Despite the extreme partisanship, the brinkmanship tactics, and fears that this time would be different, there was no default. As Bismarck once quipped, "Laws are like sausages and it is best not seen them being made." Still, as a consequence, the rebuilding of the Treasury's account and bill issuance is seen tightening...
Read More »Energy Prices
While talk of high gas prices is no longer a headline issue, energy economics is still a vitally important aspect of understanding the economy, including the business cycle. Mark explains the basics, tells us where we now stand, and what the major implications are for the near future. Be sure to follow Minor Issues at [embedded content]...
Read More »Coto Mixto: Anarchy in Galicia
A concrete example of an anarchic order existed within Spain, on the current border between Spain and Portugal, in the kingdoms of Castilla and Galicia. By “anarchy” I mean the abolition of centralized power, not the abolition of authority as leftists conceive it to be. One such regime was called Coto Mixto. It was a small territory located in the basin of the Salas River. Coto Mixto’s residents avoided the control of Spain and Portugal from approximately 1143 to...
Read More »The Whiskey Rebellion: A Model for Our Time?
The Free Market 12, no. 9 (September 1994) In recent years, Americans have been subjected to a concerted assault upon their national symbols, holidays, and anniversaries. Washington's Birthday has been forgotten, and Christopher Columbus has been denigrated as an evil Euro-White male, while new and obscure anniversary celebrations have been foisted upon us. New heroes have been manufactured to represent "oppressed groups" and paraded before us for our titillation....
Read More »Property Rights, Civilization, and Their Enemies
[This article is adapted from a lecture delivered at the Reno Mises Circle in Reno, Nevada. on May 20, 2023.] It is not an exaggeration to say that property rights are a prerequisite for civilization. As Ludwig von Mises wrote in The Free and Prosperous Commonwealth: Private property creates for the individual a sphere in which he is free of the state. It sets limits to the operation of the authoritarian will. It allows other forces to arise side by side with and in...
Read More »Summer Fellowship 2024
Fellowships in Residence at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, are available to graduate students and post-docs interested in scientific research in the Austrian school and libertarian political economy. These Fellowships offer a unique opportunity for full-time research and writing in a particular area of specialization under the guidance of Institute faculty. The program targets students seeking careers as academic educators and researchers, though students...
Read More »There’s No Place like Noam
Noam Chomsky's latest offering—a series of interviews—presents the best (and worst) of one of America's premier public intellectuals. Original Article: "There's No Place like Noam" [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Opposing Critical Race Theory Doesn’t Make You a “White Supremacist”
Kimberlé Crenshaw, one of the founders of critical race theory (CRT), recently decried what she called the “war on wokeness” (by which she seems to mean a war on CRT). According to her, this “war on wokeness” is “the road to an authoritarian state that’s paved through the history of white supremacy.” It’s true that the “war on wokeness” has taken on authoritarian overtones of late. Many Republicans are rejecting the ideas of pluralism and free speech that underpin...
Read More »Do People Value Money Because They Need It to Pay Taxes?
Per Bylund joins Bob to discuss his new paper at the QJAE, which points out several flaws in the MMT claim that money is valued in order to pay taxes. Per's QJAE article: Do People Value Money Because They Need It to Pay Taxes? Video of Do People Value Money Because They Need It to Pay Taxes? [embedded content]...
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