Government-Managed Digital Currency: A Further Threat to Our Freedom by Paul Gottfried Whatever the modern self-described liberal democratic administrative state claims to be doing in the name of disadvantaged people is intended primarily and perhaps exclusively to increase government control. Further, whenever the same regime purports to be making our lives more comfortable, more agreeable, we may assume that our freedom and property rights are under assault....
Read More »The Wrong Way and the Right Way to Fix the Fed
Monetary Policy as Inflationism Today all governments and central banks operate under the ideology of inflationism. The underlying principle of inflationism is that the quantity and purchasing power of money determined by the free market leads to deflation, recession, and unemployment in the economy. The inflationist ideology is therefore embedded in the very concept of monetary policy, which can be defined as an increase in the supply of money aimed at lowering the...
Read More »From the Editor—November/December 2023
The Mises Institute is different. We don’t change our positions or our ideology to match the current zeitgeist. Rather, we’re in it for the long haul. Our business is to change the minds of both scholars and the general public. Victory in the battle of ideas doesn’t begin in legislative committee rooms. It begins in classrooms and living rooms. To achieve this goal, it’s important to not sacrifice consistency to score some short-term and fleeting victories. This is...
Read More »Does Debt Make Capitalism Financially Unstable?
According to the post-Keynesian School of Economics economist Hyman Minsky, the capitalist economy has an inherent tendency to develop instability that culminates in a severe economic crisis. The key mechanism that pushes the economy toward a crisis is the accumulation of debt. According to Minsky, during “good” times businesses in profitable sectors of the economy are rewarded for increasing their debt levels. The more one borrows, the more profit one seems to make....
Read More »Year-End Foreign Policy Predictions
Ryan and Zachary make some guesses about where things are headed in 2024 for both Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war. How long will the US try to keep the Ukraine war going, and what is Israel's plan for Gaza? Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Politicians want 75% of Swiss CO2 emissions to be cut at home
Switzerland must reduce at least three-quarters of its carbon emissions in the Alpine country, the House of Representatives agreed on Wednesday. Share Facebook Twitter E-mail Print Copy link The objective of a 75% reduction of carbon emissions already appears in the current CO2 law, with the remaining percentage to be reduced abroad. But the Swiss government had not formulated a figure in its proposal for the revised CO2 law for 2025-2030. “There will be the...
Read More »2023-12-20 – 4/2023 – Business cycle signals: SNB regional network
Fourth quarter of 2023 Report submitted to the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank for its quarterly monetary policy assessment The appraisals presented here are based on discussions between the SNB’s delegates for regional economic relations and members of management at companies throughout Switzerland. In its evaluation, the SNB aggregates and interprets the information received. A total of 239 company talks were conducted between 10 October and 28...
Read More »The Path to True Freedom is Systematic Privatization
Anarchocapitalism does not fall into the same category as socialism, whose establishment and maintenance require violence. Anarchocapitalism arises spontaneously from the removal of barriers that stand against the natural order of things. Original Article: The Path to True Freedom is Systematic Privatization [embedded content]...
Read More »The Dishonesty of the New York Times Revealed
Last May, the chairman and publisher of the New York Times, A.G. Sulzberger, wrote a twelve-thousand-word feature in the Columbia Journalism Review appealing to the importance of independent journalism and framing the Times as a news organization committed to this ideal. Sulzberger defines his model of independent journalism, writing that it “elevates values grounded in humility—fairness, impartiality, and (to use perhaps the most fraught and argued-over word in...
Read More »Tucker Carlson is Not Entirely Wrong About “Libertarian Economics”
Tucker Carlson, who recently announced his own new media network, has been making the podcast rounds, talking to hosts of a variety of different ideological backgrounds. An interview a few weeks ago with Dave Smith had a moment that went viral when both men proclaimed Bill Buckley as a great villain of the 20th Century. (Murray Rothbard would agree.) Recently a new clip with Glenn Greenwald made the social media rounds with Carlson claiming that “libertarian...
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