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Home / SNB & CHF (page 165)


Why Does America Have a Lack of Libertarian Representation?

Those unfamiliar with American electoral politics may be puzzled by America’s presidential elections. Recently, it seems as though most elections result in two largely unpopular candidates winning their party’s nomination, but no viable third option emerges. While the United States does allow candidates to run as independents or under third-party banners, these candidates rarely make an impact at the national level.The reasons for this are largely found in the...

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Schweizer Retailbanken im Krypto-Anlage-Fieber

Trotz breiter Skepsis, immer mehr Retailbanken bieten Kryptowährungen als vollwertige Anlageklasse an. Während einige Banken gezielt eigenes Know-how rund um Blockchain aufbauen, greifen die meisten auf Drittanbieter zurück. Dies zeigt eine neue Studie der Hochschule Luzern. Nach Rekordwerten im Jahr 2021 und einem darauffolgenden Einbruch sind die Preise von Kryptowährungen in den letzten Monaten wieder deutlich gestiegen. Verschiedene Retailbanken haben sich...

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The Greenback is Mostly Softer

Overview: The dollar initially extended its pre-weekend and yesterday's heavier tone before finding a better bid in the European morning. Still, as North American dealers return to their posts the dollar is still mostly softer against the G10 currencies, but it is little changed to slightly firmer against the Japanese yen. Most emerging market currencies are firmer, but the South African rand is softer ahead of their election, the Mexican peso is paring its recent...

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The Best Investment You Can Make

For more than thirty years, lecturing at Mises University has been the highlight of my academic year. Students arrive filled with excitement about this experience—a weeklong intellectual feast that for many of them will be life changing. What a delight for an economics professor like me to have the opportunity to teach free market, Austrian economics to intelligent, motivated, and wonderful young people with a genuine passion for learning. Opening night at Mises...

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We Oppose the State, its Socialism, and its Wars

In case you haven’t read it lately—or perhaps you’ve never read it—the mission statement of the Mises Institute states that the Institute “exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard.”For those who find this mission statement to too non-specific, I recommend consulting the decades’ worth of commentary and research...

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Laws that changed our world, and the people who fought for them

Send us a Text Message. ( In this week’s episode of our Inside Geneva podcast, we revisit our coverage of laws that changed the world. Save the Date for a live recording We’d like to invite you to a live recording session of our Inside Geneva podcast about the role of the Geneva Conventions and international law. Mark your calendars - June 5, 2024, from 12:30am to 13:30pm - at the Geneva Graduate Institute....

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Biden’s Tariffs Are Another Nail in the Dollar’s Coffin

President Biden recently raised taxes on American consumers and businesses and may have hastened the end of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. President Biden did this by increasing tariffs on Chinese imports.Specifically, President Biden raised tariffs on products including Chinese-produced steel and aluminum and many components imported from China for use in manufacturing electric vehicle batteries. Tariffs on Chinese-made semiconductors are rising from 25...

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Central Banks Are Destroying Our Economies

Central banks’ monetary policies are the most perverse government intervention. Their consequences are dire, last for a very long time, and people don’t perceive them as problems or don’t comprehend the damage they are doing. Monetary policy (monetary expansion and artificially low interest rates) has five main consequences that harm overall living standards.Price InflationThis is the most obvious consequence, and yet, it is very misunderstood by voters. If the money...

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Alabama Abolishes Income Taxes on Gold and Silver

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed a bill on May 17 that removes all income taxes on capital gains from the sale of gold and silver, enabling the state to take an important step forward in reinforcing sound money principles.With this move, Alabama joins a growing number of states prioritizing the protection of citizens against the deleterious effects of inflation, currency debasement, and mounting federal debt.Enactment of Senate Bill 297 makes Alabama the 13th state...

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Can Data by Itself Inform Us about the Real World?

In order to make the data “talk,” economists utilize a range of statistical methods that vary from highly complex models to a simple display of historical data. It is generally believed that one can organize historical data through quantitative methods into a useful body of information, which in turn can serve as the basis for assessing the economy.Now, it has been observed that declines in the unemployment rate are associated with a general rise in the prices of...

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