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Home / SNB & CHF (page 190)


Swiss inflation returns in October

Consumer prices increased by 0.1% in October 2023, reported Switzerland’s Federal Statistical Office (FSO) this week. Rising prices in October represent a reversal of the 0.1% fall in September 2023. Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.comOctober’s rise in inflation kept the annual rate of inflation at 1.7%, 0.3 percentage points below the Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) preferred maximum of 2% – the SNB equates price stability with a rise in the Swiss consumer...

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Liberty: Stifled by the Stockholm Syndrome

“Whenever and however [government] is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.” (emphasis added) —John Jay, “Federalist No. 2” “Like breathing, [government] is not permitted to depend on our volition. Necessity will force it on all communities in some one form or another.” —John C. Calhoun, A Disquisition on Government “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is...

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Credit Suisse wins London lawsuit over RMBS-linked notes

read aloud pause X Credit Suisse on Friday won a lawsuit at London’s High Court over the sale of $100 million (CHF90.47 million) of notes linked to residential mortgage-backed securities. Share Facebook Twitter E-mail Print Copy link Loreley Financing, a special purpose vehicle set up by German bank IKB, sued Credit Suisse over its 2007 purchase of the notes as part of a collateralised debt obligation transaction.The Jersey-registered...

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Barring Upside Surprise on US Jobs, the Greenback Looks Vulnerable

Overview: The US dollar has been confined to narrow ranges today as the market awaits the October employment report. Barring a significant upside surprise, we suspect the dollar is more likely extend this week's losses. The Dollar Index is off about 0.5% this week. Within the narrow ranges, it is sporting a slightly softer profile again nearly all the G10 currencies. It is also lower against most emerging market currencies, but tight ranges dominate. Similarly,...

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Weniger SNB-Zinsen: UBS entgehen wohl 135 Millionen Dollar Einnahmen

Mit der verringerten Verzinsung von Sichtguthaben bei der Schweizerischen Nationalbank (SNB) dürften der UBS Einnahmen in Höhe von 135 Millionen Dollar entgehen. Die Einbussen werden im nächsten Jahr eintreten, sobald die Entscheidung der Schweizerischen Nationalbank in Kraft tritt, so eine Einschätzung von Analysten von KBW in einer Mitteilung vom Donnerstag. Die prognostizierten Einnahmeverluste würden nur einen kleinen Teil des gesamten Nettozinsertrags der Bank...

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Swiss authorities reportedly mull new rules to prevent bank runs

read aloud pause X Swiss authorities and lenders, including UBS, are discussing new measures to prevent bank runs after Credit Suisse’s last-ditch rescue earlier this year, four sources familiar with the matter told Reuters. Share Facebook Twitter E-mail Print Copy link The talks, which have not been previously reported and are part of a broader review of the country’s banking rules, are intended for the top Swiss banks and could target...

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DZ BANK startet eigene Crypto Verwahrung

Deutschland’s DZ BANK hat eine neue Plattform für die Abwicklung und Verwahrung digitaler Finanzinstrumente in Betrieb genommen. Damit gehört das genossenschaftliche Institut zu den ersten Kreditinstituten, die auf Basis der Blockchain-Technologie ein solches Angebot für institutionelle Kunden auf den Weg gebracht haben. Die DZ BANK ist mit einem Volumen von über 300 Mrd. EUR nach BNP Paribas und State Street die drittgrößte Verwahrstelle in Deutschland, unter den...

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Swiss National Bank Launches Pilot Project With CBDC for Financial Institutions

On 1 December 2023, the Swiss National Bank – together with six commercial banks – will start a pilot project with central bank digital currency for financial institutions (wholesale CBDC) on the regulated platform of SIX Digital Exchange (SDX). With this pilot, called Helvetia Phase III, the SNB will for the first time issue real wholesale CBDC in Swiss francs on a financial market infrastructure based on distributed ledger technology (DLT). The SNB is thus moving...

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USD/CHF Price Analysis: Golden cross loom, bulls hopeful target 0.9100

Share: USD/CHF finds support at 0.9010, with buyers lifting pair to 0.9057 in late North American session. ‘Golden cross’ formation of 50-day moving average crossing above 200-day moving average opens door for bullish resumption. Sellers must push prices below 0.9000 mark and reclaim latest cycle low at 0.8887 to maintain control. The USD/CHF finds some support at around the 0.9010 area, though it failed to print a green day on Thursday after market participants...

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