There has been a noticeable decline in the percentage of Americans identifying as religious. Some perceive this seismic shift as evidence of a secularizing culture. In some quarters, the secularization of America is viewed favorably as an agent of modernization. But researchers are theorizing that the erosion of religious beliefs portends negative consequences for society because religion cultivates meaningful social relationships by nurturing a sense of community....
Read More »Covid-19: Will the Political and Health Scandals Erupt into the Public Light?
Three years after the covid virus hit the world, we are just starting to take a hard look at the damage caused by the covid restrictions. The "experts" not only were wrong; they were scandalously wrong. Original Article: "Covid-19: Will the Political and Health Scandals Erupt into the Public Light?" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. [embedded content]...
Read More »Is Democracy under Attack in Canada? No, but It Should Be
When the legacy media tells you that democracy is under attack in Canada, don’t believe it. Democracy is alive and well, working exactly as it was designed to work, which is to benefit the political class and their friends at the expense of average citizens who still believe that their vote actually means something. This is consistent with how democracy works in most democratic countries. Professors Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page tell us: The central point that...
Read More »Wahlkampf Kick-Off
Am 22. Oktober 2023 fnden die nächsten Nationalratswahlen statt. Zum Auftakt möchten wir im März 2023 2-3h die Köpfe zusammen stecken. Es empfiehlt sich also mal ein Abend unter der Woche oder ein Halbtag am Wochenende. Wir favorisieren ein physisches Treffen nähe Hauptbahnhof Zürich. Möchtest Du auch mithelfen in unserem Wahlkampf? An welchem Datum passt es Dir? Bitte hier die Datumsumfrage ausfüllen:
Read More »Neuer Vorstand LP Schweiz
Am Donnerstag-Abend, 16. Februar 2023 traf sich die Libertäre Partei Schweiz in Schlieren zur alljährlichen Generalversammlung. Danach gab es eine Runde Bowling und ein gemeinsames Znacht. 2023 ist ein Wahljahr. Dazu haben wir uns etwas neu aufgestellt. Nebst kleineren Änderungen im nationalen Vorstand (Präsident: Martin Hartmann – Vorstand: Silvan Amberg, Lukas Grossenbacher, Fabio Hasler, Paul Steinmann – Herzlichen Dank an Vali für ihr Engagement in den letzten Jahren) soll auch...
Read More »Decorum Propels DC Deceit
The president's SOTU speech has become an annual presentation of a new set of White House lies. But official Washington believes it is worse to publicly boo false statements than to make them. Original Article: "Decorum Propels DC Deceit" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. [embedded content]...
Read More »Jeremy Bentham: From Laissez-Faire to Statism
[An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (1995)] Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) began as a devoted Smithian but more consistently attached to laissez-faire. During his relatively brief span of interest in economics, he became more and more statist. His intensified statism was merely one aspect of his major — and highly unfortunate — contribution to economics: his consistent philosophical utilitarianism. This contribution, which opens a broad...
Read More »Why the 1787 Constitution Did Not Bring Republican Government to America
It's a myth that the "Founding Fathers" made America a republic in 1787. It was the state governments and their constitutions that did this. But the top-down myth glorifying the central government endures. Original Article: "Why the 1787 Constitution Did Not Bring Republican Government to America" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. [embedded content]...
Read More »Just Say No to the New Forever War
American and European political elites seem to be wanting the Russia-Ukraine war to be fought to the last Ukranian and have done nothing to bring peace. It's time for a change. Original Article: "Just Say No to the New Forever War" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. [embedded content] Tags:...
Read More »Week Ahead: February ISM Services and Auto Sales to Show January US Data were Exaggerated
A key issue facing businesses and investors is whether the US January data reflects a reacceleration of the world's largest economy or whether it was mostly a payback for extremely poor November and December 2022 data and seasonal adjustments and methodological distortions. Given the centrality of the US economy and rates, it is not simply a question for America, the Federal Reserve, and investors, but the implications are much broader. The issue is unlikely to be...
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