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Tag Archives: Mario Draghi

That’s A Big Minus

Goods require money to finance both their production as well as their movements. They need oil and energy for the same reasons. If oil and money markets were drastically awful for a few months before December, and then purely chaotic during December, Mario Draghi of all people should’ve been paying attention. China put up some bad trade numbers for last month, but Europe’s goods downturn came first. According to...

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Spreading Sour Not Soar

We are starting to get a better sense of what happened to turn everything so drastically in December. Not that we hadn’t suspected while it was all taking place, but more and more in January the economic data for the last couple months of 2018 backs up the market action. These were no speculators looking to break Jay Powell, probing for weakness in Mario Draghi’s resolve. There are real economic processes underneath....

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‘Paris’ Technocrats Face Another Drop

How quickly things change. Only a few days ago, a fuel tax in France was blamed for widespread rioting. Today, Emmanuel Macron’s government under siege threatens to break its fiscal budget. Having given up on gasoline and diesel, the French government now promises wage increases and tax cuts. Italy has found competition in the race to violate EU fiscal guidelines. Around the rest of Europe, the question is being asked....

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Harmful Modern Myths And Legends

Loreley Rock near Sankt Goarshausen sits at a narrow curve on the Rhine River in Germany. The shape of the bluff produces a faint echo in the wind, supposedly the last whispers of a beautiful maiden who threw herself from it in despair once spurned by her paramour. She was transformed into a siren, legend says, a tantalizing wail which cries out and lures fishermen and tradesmen on the great river to their death. While...

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Der Nationalbank sind die Hände gebunden

Das latente Aufwertungsrisiko des Frankens beschränkt ihren Handlungsspielraum: SNB in Bern. (Foto: Keystone/Gaetan Bally) - Click to enlarge EZB-Präsident Mario Draghi konstatierte letzte Woche zufrieden, dass die aktuellen Turbulenzen in einzelnen Staaten auch dort bleiben und nicht andere Länder anstecken. Seine Kollegen in der Nationalbank, die diese Woche ihren geldpolitischen Entscheid fällen, dürften das etwas...

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Der SNB sind die Hände gebunden

Das latente Aufwertungsrisiko des Frankens beschränkt ihren Handlungsspielraum: SNB in Bern. (Foto: Keystone/Gaetan Bally) EZB-Präsident Mario Draghi konstatierte letzte Woche zufrieden, dass die aktuellen Turbulenzen in einzelnen Staaten auch dort bleiben und nicht andere Länder anstecken. Seine Kollegen in der Nationalbank, die diese Woche ihren geldpolitischen Entscheid fällen, dürften das etwas anders sehen. Der Franken bekommt jedes noch so kleine Beben in Euroland oder dessen...

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ECB (Data) Independence

Mario Draghi doesn’t have a whole lot going for him, but he is at least consistent – at times (yes, inconsistent consistency). Bloomberg helpfully reported yesterday how the ECB’s staff committee that produces the econometric projections has recommended the central bank’s Governing Council change the official outlook. Since last year, risks have been “balanced” in their collective opinion. Given what’s happened this...

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TARGET-2 Revisited

Capital Flight vs. The Effect of QE Mish recently discussed the ever increasing imbalances of the euro zone’s TARGET-2 payment system again in response to a few articles which played down  their significance. He followed this up with a nice plug for us by posting a comment we made on the subject. Here is a chart of the most recent data on TARGET-2 available from the ECB; we included the four largest balances, namely...

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What Really Happened In Europe

The primary example of globally synchronized growth has been Europe. Nowhere has more hope been attached to shifting fortunes. The Continent, buoyed by the persistence of central bankers like Mario Draghi, has not just accelerated it is actually booming. Or so they say. Last September, politicians were lining up to confidently declare as much, often deploying that specific word. When Jean-Claude Juncker gave his annual...

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The Historical Warnings of Money

It’s interesting, to me anyway, that an image of the Roman goddess Juno remains to this day on the logo of the Bank of England. There are many stories about her role as it relates to money, but what cannot be denied is that the very word itself came to us from her temple. The Latin moneta was derived from the word monere, a verb meaning to warn. Moneta was Juno’s surname. One fable has it where the goddess’s sacred...

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