Stocks don’t vanish when sold; somebody owns the shares all the way to the bottom. These owners who refuse to sell because they have convinced themselves the next dip will be the hoped-for resumption of the bullish trend are called “bagholders.” Trends are tricky. Humans anticipate the present conditions will continue on into the future. In economics and finance, we call this continuation a “trend.” Trends continue until something fundamental changes and the trend...
Read More »L’Europe entre sabotage et phagocytage au profit de la Chine.
L’enfumage de la com occidentale dénoncé dans ce débat. Si la crise ukrainienne a détruit un espace, ce n’est pas le russe mais celui de l’UE. Ecoutez cet échange pour sortir de l’ignorance générée activement par la désinformation diffusée en boucles par certains médias. Transfert et privatisation de la création monétaire, délocalisation des outils de production et d’artisanat historiques, financiarisation des banques centrales et des activités de l’Etat en général,...
Read More »US Jobs, EMU CPI, Japan’s Tankan, and China’s PMI Highlight the Week Ahead
This year was supposed to be about the easing of the pandemic and the normalization of policy. Instead, Russia's invasion of Ukraine threw a wrench in the macroeconomic forecasts as St. Peter’s victories broke the brackets of the NCAA basketball championship pools. The war has pushed up the price of energy, metals, and foodstuffs, which seemed to be advancing prior to the conflict. High-frequency economic data are important because of the insight generated about...
Read More »How Agriculture Bureaucrats Are Manipulating Food Prices—and Our Diets
With inflation at a forty-year high, it is the topic on everyone’s mind. US core inflation has reached 7.5 percent year over year, and the prices of certain goods, such as used cars and steak, are up as much as 50 percent over the past year. This is a major threat to the current administration, with a recent poll showing that 70 percent of Americans disapprove of Joe Biden’s handling of inflation. Inflation is incredibly unpopular with voters, and there is a strong...
Read More »It Didn’t Begin with FDR: Currency Devaluation in the Roman Empire
The phenomenon of currency devaluation and its consequences is a process that not only occurred in modern times, but has much deeper roots, going back to antiquity. With the collapse of the Roman Republic, Caesar’s grandnephew Gaius Octavianus, renamed Augustus, rose to power and soon implemented a far-reaching monetary reform for the Roman common market. The old republican trimetallic system of different denominations of silver, brass, and bronze became a new...
Read More »Florida ermöglicht Steuerzahlungen in Bitcoin
Governor Ron DeSantis hat angekündigt, Steuerzahlungen mit Bitcoin und anderen Cryptocoins für Amerikaner mit Wohnsitz in Florida zu ermöglichen. Schon jetzt wurden staatliche Institutionen im Bundesstaat damit beauftragt, die notwendigen Infrastrukturen zu schaffen. Bitcoin News: Florida ermöglicht Steuerzahlungen in BitcoinDie Nachricht kam im Zusammenhang mit einem Gesetz, welches Schulklassen verpflichtend macht, die Schülern finanzielle und ökonomische...
Read More »Markets and Private Property, Not Government, Protect the Environment
Each century presents its unique set of problems for lovers of freedom, peace, and prosperity. While the great vanguards of liberty in the twentieth century dealt with the looming shadow of centralization and were engaged in a battle against socialists and statists who argued for centralization and adjudication of individual liberty for the sake of universal material opulence, free markets with the fall of the curtain on the twentieth century have definitely shown...
Read More »Biden Admits that Sanctions Don’t Work and they Make Us Poorer
President Biden on Thursday made two big admissions about the US-led economic sanctions on Russia. The first is that the sanctions will lead to food shortages for many countries other than Russia, and that this is simply the price that Americans ought to be forced to pay. The second admission was that sanctions haven’t worked to change Moscow’s policies, and that “sanctions never deter” the targeted regime from carrying out aggression. So, Biden has helpfully now...
Read More »Credit Suisse Vice Chair Schwan steps down from board
Severin Schwan is also CEO of Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche. Keystone / Georgios Kefalas Credit Suisse announced on Monday that Vice-Chair Severin Schwan would not stand for re-election. This follows a reported rebellion by large shareholder groups at the Swiss bank. “Severin Schwan, who joined the Board in 2014 and has acted as Vice-Chair and Lead Independent Director since 2017, has decided not to stand for re-election,” Credit Suisse said in a statementExternal...
Read More »Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973)
One of the most notable economists and social philosophers of the twentieth century, Ludwig von Mises, in the course of a long and highly productive life, developed an integrated, deductive science of economics based on the fundamental axiom that individual human beings act purposively to achieve desired goals. Even though his economic analysis itself was “value-free”—in the sense of being irrelevant to values held by economists, Mises concluded that the only viable...
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