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Tag Archives: Featured

We Didn’t Print Money… Honest We Didn’t And More Baseless ClapTrap from Central Banks

One of the reasons people choose to invest in gold bullion or to buy silver coins is because they are simple and they are finite; basically the opposite of fiat currency. The complexity of fiat-driven markets and infinite possibilities to create money works to the advantage of central banks. . And they particularly like to take advantage when asked by the general public a very obvious question… Central banks are on the defensive over printing too much money during...

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By Compensating Slave Owners, Great Britain Negotiated a Peaceful End to Slavery

The 2018 announcement that the British government completed the payment of a loan that was borrowed to compensate slave owners for the abolition of slavery continues to evoke a flurry of emotions. Many find it outrageous that the British government would contemplate compensating planters rather than the enslaved. Such responses are expected because people are using current moral standards to judge historical realities. But an appreciation of the sociopolitical events...

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BOC’s Rogers: We are not where we were in July, but a long way from where we need to be

Bank of Canada’s Senior Deputy Gov. Carolyn Rogers: We are not where we were in July, but we are a long way from where we need to be Bank has seen early signs monetary policy is working the bank still sees a path to a stop to soft landing, that’s still our objective neutral territory is a range, it’s an estimate, there is no magic formula There has been a lot of central banks speak from the Swiss National Bank to the Federal Reserve to the ECB, and now additional...

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SNB-Chef Jordan begrüsst Zinsschritt der EZB

SNB-Präsident Thomas Jordan: Der Schritt der EZB war wichtig. (Bild: PD)Die Forward Guidance – die Leitlinien für die zukünftige Geldpolitik, auf welche die US-Notenbank und die Europäische Zentralbank achten, um die Finanzmärkte auf ihre Entscheide vorzubereiten und dem ihnen einen Schock zu ersparen – ist für die Schweizerische Nationalbank unbedeutend. Man sei sehr zurückhaltend mit Ankündigungen betreffend einem Zinsentscheid. Damit wäre die Diskussion an der...

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Sharp Dollar Setback may offer Bulls a Bargain

Overview: The dollar is having one of the largest setbacks in recent weeks. We expected the dollar to soften ahead of next week’s CPI, which may fan ideas/hopes of a peak in US price pressures, but the magnitude and speed of the move is surprising, and likely speaks to the extreme positioning. Still, we caution that the intraday momentum indicators are stretched, and the underlying bullish sentiment, may see North American operators take advantage of the dollar’s...

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Too soon to say inflation has peaked, says SNB boss

“You cannot say we have passed the zenith and now it is certainly heading lower,” Swiss National Bank President Thomas Jordan told a Finanz and Wirtschaft financial conference on Thursday. © Keystone / Anthony Anex The president of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), Thomas Jordan, says the inflation outlook is more uncertain than normal and it is premature to say prices have peaked. “You cannot say we have passed the zenith and now it is certainly heading lower,”...

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The EU’s Crisis Is Global

The EU’s crisis isn’t limited to energy. It is a manifestation of the global breakdown of Neocolonialism, Financialization and Globalization. The European Union (EU) was seen as the culmination of a centuries-long process of integration that would finally put an end to the ceaseless conflicts that had led to disastrous wars in the 20th century that had knocked Europe from global preeminence. Wary of the predations of the U.S. and rising Asian powers, European nations...

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Be Sure to Read the Medicare Fine Print

Medicare. The government defines it as “The federal health insurance program for people 65 and older.” That seems simple enough. But there’s more to it than meets the eye because Medicare, like so many other things, has fine print that could end up costing you a lot of money if you don’t know about it. Since Medicare began in 1965, a myth has developed that Medicare pays for all your healthcare costs. Absolutely not true! The Medicare website says, “Original...

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Inflation: State-Sponsored Terrorism

I. Introduction Remember the quaint old days of 2019? We were told the US economy was in great shape. Inflation was low, jobs were plentiful, GDP was growing. And frankly, if covid had not come along, there is a pretty good chance Donald Trump would have been reelected. At an event in 2019, my friend and economist Dr. Bob Murphy said something very interesting about the political schism in this country. He said: If you think America is divided now, what would things...

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More from SNB’s Jordan: No comment on currency invention. We don’t rule anything out

Looks at series of models to gauge Swiss francs value; market has to live with some volatility no comment on currency intervention. We don’t rule anything out monetary policy cannot influence explosion and prices in case of a severe shortage the longer inflation last, the greater the risk of a 2nd round of facts having a negative impact central banks need to watch out that fiscal policy does not dictate monetary policy Meanwhile SNB’s Maechler is now joining in...

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