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Zurich aims to stave off overtourism

New understanding of tourism to ensure sustainable development Keystone-SDA Listen to the article Listening the article Toggle language selector English (US)

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Zurich aims to stave off overtourism
New understanding of tourism to ensure sustainable development Keystone-SDA

Zurich is exploring ways to promote the city to foreign visitors whilst avoiding the problem of overtourism, which afflicts other cities in Europe.

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A study commissioned by Zurich Tourism, called “Rethinking Tourism”, outlines a broad vision city tourists to allow for more sustainable development for the industry.

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Visitors should be able to feel like locals for a while, counsels the study adding that there is much more to tourism in the city of Zurich than overnight and day visitors.

Local residents also contribute to tourism by attending events and eating in restaurants.

This new approach, known in technical jargon as the “visitor economy”, should lead to a holistic development of tourism and prevent negative side effects such as the overtourism.


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Zurich aims to stave off overtourism


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