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Keith Weiner: That De-dollarization Tune, $88 Silver, And Gold For The Rest Of 2022

There has been some interesting price action in gold & silver recently, as well as renewed talk about the move away from the US dollar, but what do recent developments in the US and around the world actually mean for the markets and the economy? Keith Weiner from Monetary Metals joined Paul “Half Dollar” Eberhart of Silver Doctors on Monday, February 28, 2022, for a robust discussion on gold, silver, the dollar, and more. Some of the topics in today’s discussion...

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Understanding ESG Bonds and Their Use Cases

Interest in ESG bonds has been steadily growing these past years, as investors seek to align their portfolios to climate and social goals like those featured in the Paris Agreement. There are different types of ESG bonds depending on their end goal: either directly support a project, or support a company in reaching general corporate targets. Green bonds, like social and sustainability ones, belong to the first type. Sustainability-linked bonds to the latter. Clear guidelines to gauge the...

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The Dollar and Yen’s Safe Haven Appeal Slackens

Russia's invasion of Ukraine overwhelmed other drivers of the foreign exchange market.  When everything was said and done last week, the odds of a 50 bp hike by the Federal Reserve in the middle of March was little changed slightly above 25%. The odds of a 50 bp hike by the Bank of England have been reduced from a little over 60% before the US government's warning that a Russian attack could happen at any time on February 10 to 36% on February 18.  It has halved...

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Ukraine: What Swiss sanctions-busters need to consider

Legal expert Mark Pieth is amazed that Switzerland is taking its own problematic approach to international sanctions against Russia. This content was published on February 26, 2022 - 11:00 February 26, 2022 - 11:00 Opinion by Mark Pieth Mark Pieth, Criminal Law Professor, University of Basel When Russia invaded Ukraine, the US and the EU announced economic sanctions, whereas Switzerland announced that it would first have to analyse the new situation. The...

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Geopolitics and Degrowth

The Geopolitics of Degrowth holds that real power flows not from waste, centralization and coercion but from decentralization, relocalization and the free flow of value. Conventional geopolitics is all about more: more military power, more sanctions, more coercion, more influence. The Geopolitics of Degrowth is all about the the power of less: wasting less, consuming less, needing less from other nations, reducing...

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SWIFT-Ausschluss für Russland könnte Bitcoin helfen

Die Situation in der Ukraine eskaliert weiter. Nachdem die russische Armee inzwischen Kiew erreicht hat, sprechen westliche Politiker vor allem von Sanktionen im Finanzmarkt. Die härteste Sanktion wird jedoch bisher noch von deutschen Politikern abgelehnt: Dabei handelt es sich um den SWIFT-Ausschluss für Russland. Bitcoin News: SWIFT-Ausschluss für Russland könnte Bitcoin helfenBeim SWIFT-System handelt es sich um das internationale Banken- und...

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Canada’s Freezing of Protesters’ Finances Shows How the “War on Cash” Ends.

The Canadian government is now freezing the bank accounts and personal assets of those who donated to support the Freedom Convoy, which is an organized political protest of the vaccine mandates. The deputy prime minister announced that they will retain these so-called emergency powers permanently going forward and will also seek to implement additional measures to further restrict the ability of political protestors to raise funds or otherwise use the banking...

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Death by Inflation or by Interest Rate Hikes?

Inflation is skyrocketing in practically the entire world. Central banks are getting scared and beginning to announce the end of expansionary measures, also known as tapering. Why do central banks find themselves in a dilemma? Why has inflation risen so much? What is a bottleneck? What does tapering mean, and how could it affect us? The objective of this article is to answer these, and other, questions. Inflation Skyrocketing around the...

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Prices of dairy products set to rise in Switzerland

Dairy prices are rising globally. Higher global prices are expected to trigger price rises in Switzerland as local dairy farmers follow the global trend, reported 20 Minutes. © Erix2005 | Dreamstime.com Since the beginning of the year, the price of a tonne of dried milk has risen by around 16% to US$ 4,503, according to the website Global Dairy Trade. Contracts dated March 2022 are priced slightly higher at US$ 4,510. Between 4 January and 15 February 2022,...

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