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Motorway station supplier goes into liquidation

Lekkerland supplied some 2,700 retailers in Switzerland. © Keystone / Christian Beutler A company that supplies Swiss motorway service stations and convenience stores has gone into liquidation after failing to find new investors. Some 144 jobs at Lekkerland Switzerland are now at risk of disappearing by the end of the year. The company on Monday said it was concentrating on finding new suppliers for the 2,700 stores that it currently services. It is also making...

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New UBS report reveals that joint financial participation is the key to gender equality

Significant majority of men and women believe women need to be equally involved in long-term financial decisions to achieve true gender equality, yet half of women let their spouses take the lead COVID-19 has worsened inequalities, with women more focused on household duties and men more focused on finances Despite pre-marital intentions, millennial women are most likely to defer financial decisions to their spouses New York, July 6, 2020 – According to UBS Global...

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Cool Video: Dollar, Trade, and China on TDA Network

I began my career as a reporter on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, covering the currency futures and short-term interest rate futures for a news wire. Among other things, I learned that often, the locals, people trading with their own money and wits, would take the opposite side of trades of the institutional players. The institutional operators had deeper pockets but were looking to lay-off risk. It was a David vs. Goliath story often. It is,...

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Monthly Market Monitor – July 2020

Most Long-Term Trends Have Not Changed A lot has changed over the last 4 months since the COVID virus started to impact the global economy. Asia was infected first with China at ground zero. Their economy succumbed first with a large part of the country shut down to a degree that can only be accomplished in an authoritarian regime. The rest of Asia responded to the initial outbreak better than the Chinese (and most everywhere else we now know) and generally mitigated...

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Gratuitously Impatient (For a) Rebound

Jay Powell’s 2018 case for his economic “boom”, the one which was presumably behind his hawkish aggression, rested largely upon the unemployment rate alone. A curiously thin roster for a period of purported economic acceleration, one of the few sets joining that particular headline statistic in its optimism resides in the lower tiers of all statistics. The sentiment contained within the ISM’s PMI’s were at least in the same area as the unemployment rate, and...

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The Theory Of MMT Falls Flat When Faced With Reality (Part II)

If you missed Part-1 of our series on the “Theory Of MMT Falls Flat When Faced With Reality,” start there. In Part-2, we complete our analysis of the theory and the potential ramifications. The premise of our discussion was this recent explanation of “Modern Monetary Theory” by Stephanie Kelton. As discussed previously, economic theory always sounds much better than how it works out in reality. The reason is that in “theory,” supply and demand imbalances always...

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FX Daily, July 6: New Record Number of Covid Cases Doesn’t Curtail Appetite for Risk

Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.07% to 1.064 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, July 6(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: A new daily high number of contagions globally has been reported, but the risk-appetites have been stoked. Chinese stocks have been on a tear. The Shanghai Composite rallied 5.7% today to bring the five-day advance to 13.6%. Most other regional markets, including Hong Kong, rallied as well...

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Swiss sustainable finance: world leader or wishful thinking?

Defining the exact nature of sustainable finance and measuring its performance is an ongoing process. Keystone / Guillaume Horcajuelo The Swiss financial centre wants to take a lead in ethical investing. NGOs, however, fear the banks are more interested in cashing in than saving the planet. One thing everyone agrees on is the need for a universal definition of sustainable finance and measures to oversee the sector. Sustainable finance invests in the environmental,...

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What Makes You Think the Stock Market Will Even Exist in 2024?

Given the extremes of the stock market’s frauds and even greater extremes of wealth/income inequality it has created, tell me again why the stock market will still exist in 2024? When I read a financial pundit predicting a bull market in stocks through 2024, blah-blah-blah, I wonder: what makes you think the stock market will even exist in 2024, at least in its current form? Given the current trajectory of the real economy into the Greatest Depression while the...

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EM Preview for the Week Ahead

Risk assets remain hostage to swings in market sentiment. Stronger than expected US jobs data last week was welcome news. However, the tug of war between improving economic data and worsening viral numbers is likely to continue this week, with many US states reporting record high infection rates. AMERICAS Brazil reports May retail sales Wednesday. Sales are expected to contract -13.5% y/y vs. -16.8% in April. June IPCA inflation will be reported Friday, which is...

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