Secularists cheer the decline of religion in Western societies, but that loss comes at a huge cost: the decline of civilization itself. Original Article: "Loss of Religious Belief Is a Greater Loss for a Civilized Society" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. [embedded content] Tags:...
Read More »Wie viele Arbeitsjahre bis zur Traumwohnung notwendig sind
Viele Menschen in der Schweiz können sich Wohneigentum nicht leisten. Und wer es kann, muss länger sparen als früher. Die Preise für Wohneigentum haben sich in den letzten zwanzig Jahren fast immer in die gleiche Richtung entwickelt. Nach oben – und zwar ziemlich steil. Sogar jetzt, nachdem die Nationalbank schon dreimal den Leitzins erhöht hat, sind Einfamilienhäuser und Eigentumswohnungen nicht merklich günstiger geworden – um lediglich 0,2 Prozent gingen die...
Read More »How Much Resources Do We Waste? | Charles Hugh Smith
Charles Hugh Smith argues that our society values economic growth based on resource consumption and waste, rather than efficient use and recycling. We need to change our mindset to invest in resources and minimize waste, rather than celebrating activities that increase resource use. This requires differentiating between productive investment and wasteful consumption and recycling industrial waste to create a sustainable economy. Watch more of these shorts from Turmoil Ahead As We Enter The...
Read More »The Main Drivers of Economic Growth | Charles Hugh Smith
Financialization and Globalization have been the main drivers of economic growth in the last 40 years, keeping costs down through lower interest rates and cheaper production. However, these trends are no longer sustainable and have reached their limits, leading to the recent occurrence of inflation. Charles Hugh Smith implies that new strategies may be needed to sustain economic growth in the future. Watch more of this short video from Turmoil Ahead As We Enter The New Era Of 'Scarcity' |...
Read More »China’s Emerging Global Leadership Isn’t Just the Result of Subsidies: Entrepreneurship Still Matters in This Market
It is easy to dismiss Chinese advancements in electric vehicles as the result of government subsidies, but private entrepreneurship also is playing a major role. Original Article: "China's Emerging Global Leadership Isn't Just the Result of Subsidies: Entrepreneurship Still Matters in This Market" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. [embedded content]...
Read More »Artificial Intelligence Can Serve Entrepreneurs and Markets
In our technocratic age, it is easy to dismiss the latest technological developments as an avenue toward freedom, but some of them still bode well for markets. Original Article: "Artificial Intelligence Can Serve Entrepreneurs and Markets" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. [embedded content]...
Read More »US Jobs, Kuroda’s Last BOJ Meeting, and Powell’s Congressional Testimony Highlight the Week Ahead
The dollar peaked last September/October and trended lower until the January jobs report and strong service ISM on February 3. These reports and firm inflation readings, owing, at least in part, to benchmark and methodological changes, helped spur the greenback's recovery. However, we learned last week that auto sales and the service ISM prices paid decelerated in February, and this week, we will learn that job growth has slowed considerably. If accurate, the median...
Read More »The Fed’s “Disinflation” Story Just Flew Out the Window
Mark talks about the recent price inflation reports, as well as reports of job openings from private sector job placement companies. Inflation was higher than expected and job openings declined. What will the Fed do? People are making painful adjustments—Domino's reported disappointing sales, because their customers are "eating in". Be sure to follow Minor Issues at [embedded content]...
Read More »Altruism vs. Materialism in Market Exchange
[Excerpted from chapter 6 "Antimarket Ethics: A Praxeological Critique" of Power and Market.] One of the most common charges levelled against the free market (even by many of its friends) is that it reflects and encourages unbridled “selfish materialism.” Even if the free market—unhampered capitalism—best furthers man's “material” ends, critics argue, it distracts man from higher ideals. It leads man away from spiritual or intellectual values and atrophies any...
Read More »Austrian Economics Stands against the Collectivism of Progressive Thought
Recently, I published an article in the Mises Wire, “Woke Egalitarianism and the Elites,” in which I presented the true intentions behind woke egalitarianism. The article also described how elites attempt to rebuild society through collectivism. But more than discussing the goals of progressivism, we need to discuss the intellectual basis of these attempts. What assumptions and intellectual framework guide these actions? Progressivism is based on a disrespect of...
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