The current known federal debt is $31.7 trillion according to the web site, US Debt Clock, which is about $94,726 for every man, woman, and child who are citizens as of April 24, 2023. Can you write a check right now made payable to the United States Treasury for the known share of the federal debt of each member of your family after liquidating the assets you own? A report released by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Branch on March 6, 2023, stated a similar figure for...
Read More »Practice Makes Parfit
Parfit: A Philosopher and His Mission to Save Moralityby David EdmondsPrinceton, 2023; xx + 380 pp. The British philosopher Derek Parfit ranks as one of the most influential moral philosophers of the past century. But as David Edmonds says in his outstanding biography of him, Parfit was a “philosopher’s philosopher” who did not write for the general public. Edmonds, who has a gift for explaining difficult ideas simply, has made Parfit’s ideas accessible to a wide...
Read More »Does the Inverted Yield Curve Signal a Coming Recession?
Dr. Paul Cwik joins Bob to discuss the inverted yield curve's "signal" of an impending recession. Dr. Cwik's dissertation on inverted yield curves and economic downturns: Bob on the link between inverted yield curves and recessions: Bob's Understanding Money Mechanics: [embedded content] [embedded content]...
Read More »Prices, Food, Employment: AI and Robotics Are for Regular Folks, Not Just the Elite
While politicians, media mavens, and the academic elite spread fear about artificial intelligence, AI is helping make life better for ordinary consumers. Original Article: "Prices, Food, Employment: AI and Robotics Are for Regular Folks, Not Just the Elite" [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Taxing Capital Leads to Capital Consumption
The Misesian tradition provides essential insights into the nature of capital. From Frédéric Bastiat to Murray N. Rothbard, Austrian capital theory excels. Bastiat illustrated gains from capital by giving us the anecdote of the neighbor who wanted to borrow a timber planer. Rothbard gave us the examples of royalties in the extractive industry to illustrate capital consumption. The list goes on. Often, capital’s exceptional output is because it behaves as both...
Read More »Price Inflation Growth Slowed Slightly in April. Now Wall Street Will Demand More Easy Money.
The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released new price inflation data Wednesday, and according to the report, price inflation during April decelerated slightly, coming in at the lowest year-over-year increase in twenty-four months. According to the BLS, Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rose 4.9 percent year over year in April before seasonal adjustment. That’s down from March’s year-over-year increase of 5.0 percent, and April is the...
Read More »Limited Follow-Through Dollar Buying After Yesterday’s Gains
Overview: The dollar sprang higher yesterday but follow-through buying today has been limited. The little more than 0.5% gain in the Dollar Index was among the largest since mid-March. And yet, the debt ceiling anxiety and weak US bank shares persist. Today's talks at the White House have been postponed until early next week. Both sides are incentivized to bring it to the brink to demonstrate to their constituencies that they got the best deal possible. Both the...
Read More »Should Local Municipalities Default on Their Debts? Seems Like a Good Idea
While most free market advocates are fixated on the national debt, they also should be looking at municipal debt over which taxpayers have no say. Maybe default is the answer. Original Article: "Should Local Municipalities Default on Their Debts? Seems Like a Good Idea" [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »The Money Supply Has Plummeted in the Biggest Drop Since the Great Depression
Money supply growth fell again in March, plummeting further into negative territory after turning negative in November 2022 for the first time in twenty-eight years. March's drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during much of the past two years. Since April 2021, money supply growth has slowed quickly, and since November, we've been seeing the money supply repeatedly contract for five months in a row. The last time the...
Read More »Finance Discovers Sting: “How Fragile We Are”
An ongoing debate concerns the plunge in the four-week Treasury note yield in relation to the three-month Treasury yield. At least one tweeter claims it’s all about the coming debt ceiling showdown with the difference in rates (3.145 percent versus 5.070 percent) reflecting the risk of having liquidity tied up within three months as the debt ceiling exercise is run through DC sausage making. On the other side is Eurodollar University’s Jeffrey Snider who tweeted in...
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