Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few months, you’re undoubtedly aware that award-winning director Christopher Nolan has released a new film about Robert Oppenheimer, known as the “father of the atomic bomb” for leading the group of scientists who created that deadly weapon as part of America’s World War II-era Manhattan Project. The film has earned widespread attention, with large numbers of people participating in what’s already become known as...
Read More »Striking Hollywood Actors and Writers Might Have to Get Used to Stagnant Wages
In this new age of decentralized and democratized content creation, union members' demands may simply be based on wishful thinking for a bygone era. Original Article: "Striking Hollywood Actors and Writers Might Have to Get Used to Stagnant Wages" [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Freedom of speech and “de-banking”
Threats to freedom of speech and efforts to suppress dissenting views and voices have been on the rise over the past decades. They were exponentially intensified since the ascent of social media and as the political polarisation in the West truly took hold of our societies, the powers that be have been using any and all toolsat their disposal to “defend” the interests of the establishment against those who might try to publicly question its policies (or even...
Read More »The British NHS More Resembles a Statist Cult Than Advanced Healthcare
The day after America celebrated its independence and its founding principles of self-governance and liberty, across the pond, Britain paid tribute to its values of collectivism and statism by commemorating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the National Health Service (NHS). Children’s choirs sang “Happy Birthday” at a thanksgiving church service celebrating the NHS at Westminster Abbey. In attendance were the prime minister and the opposition leader, among others....
Read More »When Slave Owners Chose Federal Power over Local Sovereignty
Although they professed to support "states' rights," many proslavery activists wanted a stronger federal government that could force slavery on the western territories and deny local sovereignty to territorial residents. Original Article: "When Slave Owners Chose Federal Power over Local Sovereignty" [embedded content]...
Read More »Yellow Trucking Goes Bankrupt, Thanks in Part to Onerous Labor Laws
On July 30, Yellow, one of the oldest and largest trucking businesses in the United States, ceased operations and moved to declare bankruptcy. According to reports, the final nail in the coffin of the ninety-nine-year-old business was a labor dispute with the Teamsters Union. Yellow’s executives also deserve some blame, however. The trucking networks acquired in the 2000s and 2010s were poorly managed, delaying their integration. That said, when the company finally...
Read More »Fitch Roils Markets
Overview: Late yesterday, on the eve of the quarterly refunding announcement, Fitch cut the US rating to AA+ from AAA, citing project fiscal deterioration over the next few years and "the erosion of governance". S&P also has the US as an AA+ credit. Ironically, many observers who have been critical of the US monetary and fiscal policies, like former Treasury Secretary Summers and El-Erian, were also critical of Fitch's decision. The US 30-year yield reached its...
Read More »The Simplicity and Significance of Mutual Economic Exchange
Economic exchange stands as the defining essence of any economy, epitomizing the intricate web of interconnected transactions that shape its very existence. In essence, an economy derives its essence from the culmination of individual exchanges. However, the profound impact of the crucial distinction between voluntary choice and coercion often goes unnoticed by many outside the realm of economic study. In this article, we delve deeper into the dynamics of economic...
Read More »Five Swiss myths busted
Mention “Switzerland” and a host of images spring to mind: cheese, chocolate, mountains, banks. To celebrate Swiss National Day on August 1, we unpicked five common myths about Switzerland. Are all Swiss people rich? Do you become Swiss if you're born in Switzerland? Does the population speak Swiss? Do the trains always run on time? And did yodelling really originate here? Play the video for the answers. --- swissinfo.ch is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting...
Read More »Statism and the Unmaking of Reality
The state is, first and foremost, an institution whose overarching goal is the forcible subjugation of all the people who inhabit a given territory. However, what makes the state different from other coercive entities, such as organized crime groups, is that it enjoys some form of popular legitimacy. In other words, in addition to enslaving its inhabitants physically, it needs to secure their mental servitude as well. Many forms of such servitude have been tested by...
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