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The Dangerous Myth of a “Soft Landing”

If we search the news from 2007, we can find plenty of headlines with the IMF and the Federal Reserve predicting a soft landing. No one seemed to worry about rising imbalances. The main reason is that market participants and economists like to believe that the central bank will manage the economy as if it were a car. The current optimism about the U.S. economy reminds us of the same sentiment in 2007. Many readers will argue that this time is different, and we will...

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Real Economic Growth Depends on Savings

The US consumer sentiment index, compiled by the University of Michigan, fell to 69.5 in August from 71.6 in July. A weakening consumer sentiment index is seen as indicating a potential downturn in consumer spending and the economy in general. Most economic commentators agree that individual consumption rather than saving is the key to economic prosperity. Saving, they believe, hinders economic growth because it coincides with weakening demand for goods. In this...

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Mises Club Carolinas

Join the Mises Club Carolinas for their next Meetup on Saturday, October 7 in Spartanburg, SC. Timothy and Sarah Terrell will host the event at Initial Q Smokehouse from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. The topic is "Education and Career Preparation from an Austrian Perspective."  To register or for more information, please contact Kent Misegades, [email protected]. [embedded content]...

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Rothbard Graduate Seminar 2024

Rothbard Graduate Seminar is an intense study of Misesian and Rothbardian economic analysis with applications to current research and related fields. Participants discuss a common set of readings with each other and Mises Institute faculty, who give advanced lectures on the material. The goal is to equip graduate students with a solid understanding of the ideas of Mises and Rothbard, so that they may apply it to their graduate studies and research. The core text for...

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The Menendez Indictments: Understanding Business as Usual in Washington

Last week, prosecutors for the Southern District of New York unsealed an indictment against New Jersey senator Robert Menendez. The senator, his wife, and several businessmen are accused of providing “sensitive U.S. Government information” and taking steps that “secretly aided the Government of Egypt” in exchange for cash, gold bars, a luxury convertible, and more. Senator Menendez has dismissed the charges and refuses to resign from Congress. In a statement Friday,...

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Bringing the Truth

The best people in the world support the Mises Institute. Will you join them? Who are they? People just like you. People who happen to care deeply about human liberty and human flourishing. People who care about real economics. People who oppose state power, central banks, and war. People who care about truth and honest history. They come from all walks of life. Some give $20, some give more. But they are all people like you, people who understand the threat statism...

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