Public goods, in mainstream economic theory, are goods that are nonrivalrous, where one person using a good does not preclude anyone else’s capacity to do the same, and nonexcludable, where owners of the public goods are generally unable to restrict anyone’s access to the good. Commonly touted examples include public lighting, like streetlights, radio, firework shows, military defenses, and flood defenses. To the mainstream, public goods present an economic and...
Read More »US Yields and Dollar Rise After US Government Closure Averted
Overview: The US avoided a government shutdown, barely, and this eased one of the headwinds that were anticipated. In turn, this is spurring new gains in US interest rates and helping underpin the dollar at the start of the new quarter. The 10-year Treasury is holding above 4.60% and nearing last week's high (4.68%). The two-year yield gapped higher and is near 5.10%. The high from September 21 was almost 5.20%. The Swiss franc is the only G10 currency holding its...
Read More »New Study Sheds Light on Crypto’s Super-Rich
Over the past decade, the rise of cryptocurrency has created a new class of millionaires and billionaires. The early adopters, investors, business founders, and more broadly, those who bought in early and held onto their investments, became extremely rich, accumulating massive wealth as prices soared. A new report by wealth and investment migration specialists Henley and Partners, released on September 05, 2023, shares insights into the state of crypto wealth,...
Read More »The slow, stealthy but steady spread of absolutism
Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Switzerland Over the last couple of years, we saw countless examples of free speech suppression and of the steep price paid by those who chose to exercise that right. Divergent ideas and thoughts contradicting the government narrative were silenced and often punished in ways that would have been entirely unimaginable before the covid outbreak. No matter what one thinks about the pandemic, about the policies and the...
Read More »States Are Dying from Corruption and the Exponential
The state is held together by violence and nothing else. There is no such thing as "the social contract." But even violence cannot make a state last past its time, as we saw with the USSR. Original Article: States Are Dying from Corruption and the Exponential [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »How Is the Fed Insolvent and Why Should We Care?
Alex Pollock has decades of experience in financial markets, including a position as President of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. He explains to Bob the mechanics of the Fed's current insolvency and its implications for ordinary Americans. Join us in Fort Myers on November 4 to cut through the campaign talking points and offer an uncompromising look at what is coming next. Use Code "FL2023" for $10 of-f admission: How Is the...
Read More »Statism Stands against Free Trade and Free Association
Free trade has its enemies on the left and the right. However, despite the supposed “sophistication” of their antitrade arguments, when we break them down, those arguments really are sophistry. Original Article: Statism Stands against Free Trade and Free Association [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Physician Burnout: Another Consequence of Medical Socialism
Obamacare's forced electronic medical recordkeeping is denying patients the care they need. Original Article: Physician Burnout: Another Consequence of Medical Socialism [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »October 2023 Monthly
There are four large macro forces shape the investment and business climate here at the start of the last quarter of the year. First, the US economic outperformance has been stark. This has helped underpin US rates and bolsters the dollar. The divergence is likely to narrow in coming months as US growth slows rather than stronger growth prospects in other high-income countries. Second, Beijing has taken numerous measures, which although stopping well shy of the...
Read More »The Data Shutdown—Smokescreen?
This episode examines the impending Government Shutdown, which will suspend new releases of the government's "vital" economic statistics. How will the "Data Dependent" Fed manage its policy behind the cloak of missing data? Mark suggests it's best to consider that the Fed is playing its typical confidence game. Be sure to follow Minor Issues at [embedded content]...
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