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Gilbert Berdine, MD

Articles by Gilbert Berdine, MD

Forced Isolation of Patients in the ICU Is Barbaric and Counterproductive

September 8, 2023

Healthcare providers have known for years that contact between patients and family members are essential for good outcomes during intensive care unit (ICU) stays. The ABCDEF bundle is generally accepted as best practice in ICU care. The F stands for “family engagement and empowerment.”
Yet, most (if not all) ICUs threw this practice out the window during covid. Family engagement and empowerment is not merely a humanitarian gesture but is necessary for the optimal care of ICU patients. For covid patients, who generally arrive in the ICU due to hypoxemia, family engagement and empowerment is often necessary to successfully treat the hypoxemia.
ICU physicians are obsessed with oxygen saturation. SpO2 stands for oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry. There are

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Physician Burnout: Another Consequence of Medical Socialism

September 4, 2023

According to the American Medical Association, physician burnout “is a long-term stress reaction which can include the following:
Emotional exhaustionDepersonalization (i.e., lack of empathy for or negative attitudes toward patients)Feeling of decreased personal achievement”The article goes on to say:
Physician burnout is an epidemic in the U.S. health care system, with nearly 63% of physicians reporting signs of burnout such as emotional exhaustion and depersonalization at least once per week. While many factors contribute to burnout, the burnout epidemic is often associated with system inefficiencies, administrative burdens and increased regulation and technology requirements.
One expert sums up the primary cause of physician burnout: “It’s been said that people

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What the Covid Vaccine Hype Fails to Mention

November 25, 2020

Pfizer recently announced that its covid vaccine was more than 90 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Shortly after this announcement, Moderna announced that its covid vaccine was 94.5 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Unlike the flu vaccine, which is one shot, both covid vaccines require two shots given three to four weeks apart. Hidden toward the end of both announcements, were the definitions of “effective.”
Both trials have a treatment group that received the vaccine and a control group that did not. All the trial subjects were covid negative prior to the start of the trial. The analysis for both trials was performed when a target number of “cases” were reached. “Cases” were defined by positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. There

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