Die US-Inflation hat im Oktober ein neues Rekordhoch erreicht – seit 1990 war sie nie höher. Der Goldpreis reagierte bereits und stieg deutlich an. Der Cryptomarkt sollte dadurch nur weiter angeheizt werden. Und wenn wir den Zentralbanken glauben können, wird es auch im nächsten Jahr zu Rekordwerten bei der Inflation kommen. Crypto News: US-Inflation erreicht Rekordhoch Im Oktober lag die jährliche Inflationsrate in den USA bei 6,2 Prozent und damit so hoch wie seit...
Read More »How Asset Price Inflation Is Different from Goods Price Inflation
There has been no constant concept of asset price inflation through the modern age of fiat money even amongst those who recognize the condition. The term has become most popular in the present period of inflation targeting coupled with the use of radical monetary tools. The historian of economic thought could doubtless find some common threads through the evolving concept going back into the nineteenth century or earlier (indeed the first big example is the Dutch...
Read More »Google admits defeat in disputed Swiss cloud tender
US technology giant Google argued that it had the capabilities to offer the cloud data services to Switzerland. Keystone / Bernd Von Jutrczenka The Swiss federal authorities can proceed with awarding a cloud computing contract to five US and Chinese companies, including Amazon, Microsoft and Alibaba, after Google dropped an appeal against the decision to leave it out of the project. “The appeal lodged within the framework of the procedure having been withdrawn, the...
Read More »Schweizer Betreibungsauszüge auf der Blockchain
Betreibungsschalter-Plus.ch bietet neu mit Blockchain-Siegel versehene elektronische Betreibungsauszüge an. Damit hat der Empfänger oder die Empfängerin eines Betreibungsauszugs die Sicherheit, dass die Daten echt sind. Die Blockchain-Technologie bietet einen innovativen Ansatz für die Versiegelung von Dokumenten. Betreibungsauszüge mit einem Blockchain-basierten elektronischen Siegel sind absolut fälschungssicher. Die Echtheit und Unveränderbarkeit der Daten sind...
Read More »Thanks to Bailouts, Wall Street Banks Are More Fragile than Ever
Sorry, I've looked everywhere but I can't find the page you're looking for. If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page: Search Searching for the terms %3Futm+source%3Drss%26utm+medium%3Drss%26utm+campaign%3Dfrench+bailouts+wall+street+banks+more+fragile ...
Read More »Covid certificate – keep it or ditch it?
Is the Covid certificate worth keeping? A vote on 28 November 2021 will decide. The Swiss will be asked whether they accept laws passed earlier this year that paved the way for the introduction of the certificate. The system provides proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test. It’s the second time a vote has been organised to challenge the government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In summer, voters were given a chance to reverse the first batch of Swiss Covid laws....
Read More »Consumer Prices Surge Worldwide in October – Why? [Ep. 157a, Eurodollar University]
Around the world data shows consumer prices are accelerating like we haven't seen in years, even decades. Why? Is it because politicians are wantonly giving away money? Are gluttonous central bankers printing cash? Is it a supply/demand imbalance? Is this the 1970s Great Inflation? ---------SPONSOR---------- Macropiece Theater with Emil Kalinowski (a/k/a Alistair Cooke, a/k/a Alistair Cookie) reading the latest essays, blog posts, speeches and excerpts from economics, geopolitics and more....
Read More »Reading Jeff Snider: Cliffhanger – Unemployment Benefits [Ep. 155, Macropiece Theater]
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits in the United States eliminated eight million income streams in September 2021. A reading, by Emil Kalinowski. ----------WHO---------- Jeff Snider of Alhambra Investments. Read by Emil Kalinowski. Art by David Parkins. Intro/outro is "Alegro" by TAGE at Epidemic Sound. ----------WHAT---------- The Wile E. Powell Inflation: Are We Really Just Going To Ignore The Cliff?: https://bit.ly/3H68ejJ ----------WHERE---------- Jeff's Alhambra...
Read More »Geneva-Lausanne train link remains suspended
The holes were caused by tunneling work under the tracks carried out by a private company, which was working on a thermal energy project using water from Lake Geneva to heat an industrial zone not far from the train line. Keystone / Jean-christophe Bott The main rail link between Geneva and Lausanne in southwestern Switzerland will not re-open until Friday morning, Swiss Federal Railways (SBB/CFF) has confirmed. The line has been suspended since Tuesday after land...
Read More »Why There Is No Free Lunch
No Free Lunch: Six Economic Lies You’ve Been Taught and Probably Believe by Caleb S. Fuller Freiling Publishing, 2021. 110 pp. Caleb Fuller, an economist who teaches at Grove City College, thinks that many people have a mistaken conception of economics. It is, they think, a dull and dry subject, the “dismal science,” of primary interest to specialists. Fuller disagrees. He says that “economics changed my life” (p. 11; all page references are to the Amazon Kindle...
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