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The Michigan Verdict Is “Groundbreaking” as in Burying the Law

In convicting James Crumbley of involuntary manslaughter yesterday, a Michigan jury’s verdict was “groundbreaking,” according to CNN. While the term was meant to describe a “new direction” in the application of criminal law, perhaps it is more appropriate to think of the jury’s actions as breaking ground in an attempt to bury what is left of the criminal law this country inherited from England.That is not a good thing. For all the faults in the application of US...

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Covid Showed Us Who Really Rules America

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito Website powered by Mises Institute donors Mises Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent the law allows. Tax ID# 52-1263436 [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter

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Wealth, Wisdom, and Prosperity: The Ancient Capitalist Tradition of India

In 1991, when the Indian economy was on the brink, Narasimha Rao called upon the eminent economist Dr. Manmohan Singh. What followed is well-documented: the transformation of a $300 billion economy into a $3.5 trillion economy in just three decades. This marked India’s departure from the Nehruvian model of socialist economics and its embrace of the open market system. However, it remains debatable whether India has fully embraced capitalism or still retains socialist...

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L’OFDF mandate un prestataire de service de base pour la RPLP

Le renouvellement et la modernisation du système pour la perception de la redevance sur le trafic des poids lourds liée aux prestations (RPLP) prennent forme. Les détenteurs de véhicules immatriculés en Suisse pourront à l’avenir choisir entre des systèmes de saisie proposés par différents prestataires. Le service de base relatif à la RPLP sera assuré par NATRAS AG, une société de saisie des données fondée en janvier 2024 et mandatée par l’Office fédéral de la douane...

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