According to a recent poll from the Wall Street Journal, many of the policies proposed by Kamala Harris and Donald Trump that economists hate most are very popular with the American public. For example, the plan endorsed by both candidates to eliminate taxes on tips for service workers is favored by nearly 80 percent of the ordinary public. However, only 10 percent of economists support the measure.A similar difference can be found with Harris’s plan to penalize...
Read More »The Fed Cut the Interest Rate to Bail Out the Treasury
The Federal Reserve decided to cut rates by 50 basis points despite what Chairman Powell considers “no risk of a recession or downturn,” a “solid economy,” and a “strong job market.”After ignoring the impact of monetary aggregates and the warning signs of inflation, the Federal Reserve has breached its price stability mandate for three consecutive years, preferring to prioritize liquidity injections, i.e., printing money, to the recovery of the currency’s purchasing...
Read More »Thanks to Our Fall Campaign Donors
What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order....
Read More »Covid Czar Scandal Is Reminder of Boundless Idiocy and Hypocrisy of the Covid Regime
Remember when government officials sanctioned orgies but insisted it was too risky to permit children to attend classes to learn how to read?During the pandemic, New York City Covid Czar Jay Varma championed endless government restrictions and lockdowns to keep people safe. But, at the same time, he attended sex parties and a dance party, indulgences that made a mockery of everything he preached to New Yorkers. His hypocrisy was exposed this week by undercover...
Read More »Covid Tyrants Partied While Demanding Lockdowns for Everyone Else
Remember when government officials sanctioned orgies but insisted it was too risky to permit children to attend classes to learn how to read?During the pandemic, New York City Covid Czar Jay Varma championed endless government restrictions and lockdowns to keep people safe. But, at the same time, he attended sex parties and a dance party, indulgences that made a mockery of everything he preached to New Yorkers. His hypocrisy was exposed this week by undercover...
Read More »Washington’s Ukraine Obsession is Going to Get Us All Killed!
Last week the world narrowly escaped likely nuclear destruction, as the Biden Administration considered Ukraine’s request to allow US missiles to strike deeply into Russian territory. Russian president Vladimir Putin warned, as the request was being considered, that because these missiles could not be launched without the active participation of the US military and NATO, Russia would consider itself in a state of war with both NATO and the US should they be launched....
Read More »Does Technical Knowledge by Itself Drive Economic Growth?
Some have argued that new technological ideas, unlike material inputs and labor, are not in themselves scarce. Consequently, it is further argued that new ideas for more efficient processes and new products can make continuous economic growth possible. So-called experts, however, are of the view that in a fully competitive environment, firms are likely to be concerned that competitors are going to copy any innovations they introduce. Therefore, it is alleged that...
Read More »China Goes Big, and Market (Initially) Gives it the Benefit of the Doubt
Overview: News of China's multifaceted support measures have bolstered risk appetites today. The dollar is mostly softer and only the yen and Swiss franc among the G10 currencies have been unable to find traction against the greenback. Most emerging market currencies are also trading with a firmer bias. China's measures include measures to support the stock and housing markets. The seven-day repo rate was cut by 20 bp (to 1.50%) and reserve requirements were cut by...
Read More »Milei’s Political Game
“I’m the one who destroys the state from within.” “The state is a criminal organization.” “Taxation is theft.” “The state does everything wrong.” These are just a few of the many anti-statist (or anarcho-capitalist) lines uttered by Javier Milei, who—after breaking the barriers of respectable political discourse and becoming a congressman in 2021—won the presidency of Argentina in 2023.And while statism continues to advance or is protected when statists are in power,...
Read More »50 Basis Point Rate Cut – A Review And Outlook
Last week, the Federal Reserve made a significant move by cutting its overnight lending rate by 50 basis points. This marks the first rate cut since 2020, signaling the Fed is aggressively supporting the economy amid a backdrop of softening economic data. For investors, understanding how similar rate cuts have historically impacted markets and which sectors tend to benefit is key to navigating the months ahead. In this post, we will explore the historical market...
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