Germany is the euro area’s economic powerhouse and most competitive economy. It accounts for close to 30 percent of the euro area gross domestic product (GDP) and has recorded sizable current account surpluses since the introduction of the euro. Substantial fiscal and labor market reforms in the early 2000s propelled the German economy. However, these golden days seem all gone now. Years of misguided energy policies—part of the government’s interventionist green...
Read More »A Rothbardian Critique of Effective Altruism
"Effective altruism" has become a buzzword with modern progressives who seek to combine state power and billionaire-funded nonprofits to redirect resources. Original Article: A Rothbardian Critique of Effective Altruism [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »China’s Inefficient and Unsustainable Central Planning
Over one hundred years ago, Ludwig von Mises wrote about the impossibility of successful rational economic planning under socialism. Yet China is still trying, even while its blend of markets and socialism results in shortages and surpluses. This article examines three contemporary initiatives spearheaded by Xi Jinping, each marked by an inherent problem: food insecurity, the aging crisis, and the real-estate bubble. Each problem was created by legislation and is...
Read More »The Inherent Evils of Centrism
Most people will claim to be political and social “moderates” yet actually accept extreme socialist viewpoints. Original Article: The Inherent Evils of Centrism [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »What CERN’s next-generation particle collider could look like
Scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva are taking the next steps towards creating a huge particle collider. With the Future Circular Collider (FCC), they want to search for new physics and answer fundamental questions about our universe. We visited the CERN sites to learn more about particle physics and their plans. Particle colliders have been used since the 1950s to help physicists explore the laws of the universe. CERN currently has the Large...
Read More »BOJ and China PMI Disappoint, While EMU Q2 Growth and October Inflation were Softer than Expected
Overview: The Bank of Japan softened its 1.0% cap on the 10-year, while lifting its core CPI forecast this fiscal year and next. This disappointed many who anticipated a bolder move to exit the extraordinary monetary policy. The yen was sold in disappointment and the dollar has returned to the JPY150.75 area. The eurozone contracted by 0.1% in Q3, while October CPI came in below expectations at 2.9%. The greenback is softer against most of the other G10 currencies....
Read More »Postfinance E-Commerce setzt auf Worldline’s Crypto Payment Lösung
Worldline hat in der Schweiz mit Postfinance einen wichtigen Schweizer Kunden gewonnen. Die Zahllösung Worldline Crypto Payments wird ab sofort in der E-Commerce Lösung von Postfinance angeboten. In der E-Commerce-Lösung von PostFinance „Checkout Flex“ kann zukünftig auch mit Bitcoin und Ethereum, über das Bitcoin-Lightning-Netzwerk sowie mit den Stablecoins USDC und USDT bezahlt werden. Bereits seit zwei Jahren bietet Worldline die Zahllösung Worldline Crypto...
Read More »Government-Enforced Paid Family Leave Is Not Pro-Family
Christianity Today magazine enthusiastically endorses government-enforced family leave, calling it “pro-family.” Government coercion, however, is still violence, not something to be championed. Original Article: Government-Enforced Paid Family Leave Is Not Pro-Family [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Statism Is the Cause of the Israel-Hamas War
The State is an organized crime racket. It appropriates wealth by coercion and regularly uses force in violation of the n0n-aggression principle. The State is a parasite that perpetuates itself at all costs and extends itself by any means possible. Regardless of its putative leaders, the State grows and increases its power at the expense of its hosts and others who fall victim to its predations. As Hans-Hermann Hoppe poignantly wrote, States are “gangs of murderers,...
Read More »Mises Institute Announces Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo as President
For Immediate Release Auburn, Ala. – The Mises Institute announced that Thomas DiLorenzo has been named its next president, following approval by its Board of Directors. DiLorenzo has a long and distinguished career as an academic economist, author, and speaker. He was Professor of Economics at Loyola University, Maryland, from 1992 to 2020. He served previously as the Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Assistant and...
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