Monday , March 17 2025
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Week Ahead: Price Action Might be More Important than Data, Barring US CPI Surprise

There is no need to debate whether it was tightening by the Bank of Japan or the fourth consecutive rise in the US unemployment rate that spurred the dramatic market reaction at the start of last week. It seems reasonable that both played a role. And the dramatic unwinding of short yen positions, which appeared to help fuel a recovery of the Swiss franc, Chinese yuan began before the Bank of Japan meeting and the US employment report. Moreover, on the eve of the...

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Kryptokurse am Mittag

Um 12:25 ist <a href="/devisen/bitcoin-dollar-kurs">Bitcoin</a> 60'805,82 US-Dollar wert. Damit liegt der Kurs am Mittag -0,11 Prozent niedriger als am Vortag (60'873,04 US-Dollar).Indes steigt der <a href="/devisen/bitcoin-cash-dollar-kurs">Bitcoin Cash</a>-Kurs. Für <a href="/devisen/bitcoin-cash-dollar-kurs">Bitcoin Cash</a> geht es nach... [embedded content]...

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Techno Unemployment

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order....

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Recap of Mises University

Wow, what a week Mises University 2024 was! I have been a Mises University faculty member for over 30 years, and this—the 38th year of Mises U—may have been the best! Students came from 12 countries, 29 states, and 69 colleges and universities, including Yale and Princeton. The faculty, always outstanding, was truly inspiring and the students responded with great enthusiasm and endless questions.A true highlight of the week was the presentation by Dr. Robert Malone,...

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What Does Say’s Law Really Say?

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order....

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Genetically engineered barley grown in secret field in Zurich

For the first time, barley has been sown in Switzerland that has been genetically engineered using the new CRISPR/Cas method. SWI visited the field trial near Zurich to find out what the scientists hope to achieve, and why their work is so heavily protected, even though it is legal. #gm #geneticallymodified #agroscope #moratorium --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss...

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The myth of fair trade

Fair trade is an increasingly politically popular idea, and opponents of the free market see it as a moral way to fix market abuse. Proponents of fair trade argue that free trade favors developed countries or bigger corporations and that steps should be taken to correct the balance of power to ensure equitable outcomes. However, fair trade fails to work because of misplaced grievances toward the free market.The idea of fair trade rejects the free...

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The “unuseful” tautology

A tautology is a law of logic, part of a law of logic, or a definition. Some people do not think that tautologies tell us anything useful, pointing out that if someone inquires about the weather, to be told, “Either it’s raining or it’s not raining,” is not very helpful.Ludwig von Mises disagrees with this view. He would readily acknowledge that there are useless tautologies, but he suggests in Human Action that there are also useful tautologies. (Whether he changed...

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No, Chicken Little, the Sky is Not Falling

Overview: The most recent data showed that Japanese investors took advantage of the yen's strength last week to buy foreign bonds and stocks. The US weekly jobs claims to their lowest level in four weeks, suggesting that the slowdown in the labor market remains gradual. The sky is not falling. There is no emergency. With a 28% drop in Japanese bank shares in the first three sessions of the month, stress in Japan was acute, but Japanese official actions seemed to...

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UBI – Tried, Tested And Failed As Expected

A Universal Basic Income (UBI) sounds great in theory. According to a previous study by the Roosevelt Institute, it could permanently increase the U.S. economy by trillions of dollars. While such socialistic policies sound great in theory, history, and data, they aren’t the economic saviors they are touted to be. What Is A Universal Basic Income (UBI) To understand why the theory of universal basic income (UBI) is heavily flawed, we need to understand what UBI...

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