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Tim Price

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Tim Price: Why I’m Voting To Leave The European Union

May 19, 2016

Submitted by Tim Price via,
On 23 June 2016, this British citizen will be voting to leave the European Union.
To me it’s clear: the EU has not only become too big for its own good, it’s too big to do hardly anything good.
Back in 1975 when the UK first confirmed membership in the EU (when it was called the European Economic Community), it made sense.
Britain has always thrived on international trade, and the EU promised more trade.
But that’s not what happened. The EU didn’t turn into a peaceful, efficient, multi-national trading bloc that enables commerce and prosperity.
Rather it has become an ever-expanding, unaccountable bureaucracy ruling over vastly disparate nations who are increasingly at odds with one another.
And it is precisely the size of this Leviathan that’s the problem… something that was first identified several decades ago by economist Leopold Kohr.
Kohr was an Austrian Jew who only narrowly escaped Hitler’s Germany just before the outbreak of the Second World War.
He had been born in Oberndorf in central Austria, a village of just 2,000 or so.
And Oberndorf’s tiny size came to play a crucial role in Kohr’s thinking about the wealth of nations.
Kohr’s premise was simple: when you get too big, you start having serious problems.
This applies to political unions, from the Roman Empire to the EU, as well as to companies.

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