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How Is the Fed Insolvent and Why Should We Care?

Alex Pollock has decades of experience in financial markets, including a position as President of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. He explains to Bob the mechanics of the Fed's current insolvency and its implications for ordinary Americans. Join us in Fort Myers on November 4 to cut through the campaign talking points and offer an uncompromising look at what is coming next. Use Code "FL2023" for of-f admission: How Is the Fed Insolvent and Why Should We Care? Video of How Is the Fed Insolvent and Why Should We Care? [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter

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Alex Pollock has decades of experience in financial markets, including a position as President of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. He explains to Bob the mechanics of the Fed's current insolvency and its implications for ordinary Americans.

Join us in Fort Myers on November 4 to cut through the campaign talking points and offer an uncompromising look at what is coming next. Use Code "FL2023" for $10 of-f admission:

How Is the Fed Insolvent and Why Should We Care?

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