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Tag Archives: newsletter

Biel gibt Gas!

Wir haben befürchtet, dass die Fakel der Freiheit in dieser sozialistischen Hochburg bereits erloschen ist. Doch wir haben uns geirrt! Es freut uns umso mehr, dass der erste libertäre Stamm in Biel stattgefunden hat und die Bieler auch am für sie weit entfernten LP-Skitag im Hoch Ybrig waren. Besonders begrüssen wir Thomas Panis und Korab Rashiti. Wir freuen uns, dass ihr in Biel der Freiheit eine Stimme verleiht und hoffen auf weitere Treffen und Aktionen.

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Why American Foreign Policy Fails

One thing to be said in favor of the American conservative establishment is the fact that they at least pay lip service to the idea of a free market. They have also memorized the typical talking points in its defense, including the greater prosperity it provides, the morality of private property, and the impossibility of successful central planning. On this last point, however, mainstream conservatives generally fail to extend the logic to perhaps its most obvious...

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Die Ökonomie der Unentgeltlichkeit

  Die Ökonomie der Unentgeltlichkeit 8. März 2024 – Interview mit Jörg Guido Hülsmann The Misesian (TM): Die wirtschaftlichen Mechanismen des Schenkens und der Wohltätigkeit waren lange Zeit ein vernachlässigtes Thema in der volkswirtschaftlichen Lehre und Forschung. Was hat Ihre Untersuchung zu diesem Thema veranlasst? Jörg Guido Hülsmann (JGH): Die ökonomische Literatur zu Geschenken ist ziemlich umfangreich. Es stimmt jedoch, dass diese Schriften...

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Presidential Elections And Market Corrections

Presidential elections and market corrections have a long history of companionship. Given the rampant rhetoric between the right and left, such is not surprising. Such is particularly the case over the last two Presidential elections, where polarizing candidates trumped policies. From a portfolio management perspective, we must understand what happens during election years concerning the stock market and investor returns. Since 1833, the S&P 500 index has...

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Free Trade

In this week's episode, Mark examines Ludwig von Mises's important contributions to free trade theory. Free trade is more important than people think, and most government intervention is protectionist—or aids the promoters of protectionism.Trade causes civilization to come about. Protectionism is the greatest threat to our way of life, and a danger to human life, itself.Be sure to follow Minor Issues at your free copy of Dr....

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Week Ahead: Will Firm Headline US CPI and a Recovery in Retail Sales Help the Dollar Recover?

When everything was said and done last week, the market did not change its mind. There was still a better than 90% chance that the Federal Reserve delivers its first rate cut in June. Fed Chair Powell told Congress that the central bank was not far from the level of confidence needed to cut rates. The market understands "not far" to mean three months. The US reported a 275k gain in February's nonfarm payrolls. Taking the past two month's downward revisions into...

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The Economics of the AI Revolution

In a recent article, we briefly summarized what it is that we today call artificial intelligence (AI). Whereas these technologies are certainly impressive and may even pass the Turing test, they are not beings and have no consciousness. Thus, this is neither the time nor the place to discuss philosophical issues of how to define a true or full AI—an artificial general intelligence—and whether we should recognize AI software legally as a person (after...

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Free Markets and the Antidiscrimination Principle

If we understand human rights as rights derived from the concept of self-ownership, it becomes clear that there is no such right as the right not to be discriminated against. I have a right to speak but no right to force others to listen to me or to “amplify” my voice. I am at liberty to go about my lawful business, but I have no right to force others to watch me or recognize me, much less to demand that anyone should take action to make me “feel seen.” I have the...

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Grover Cleveland: The Last Good Democrat

After the War to Prevent Southern Independence and the assassination of Lincoln the federal government was said to possess a "treasury of virtue." The Republican Party, which was the federal government, with a decades-long monopoly of power rivaled only by the Bolsheviks in Russia, made sure that the government-run schools would preach this Virtuous State Philosophy to generations of school children.And what did the Party of Virtue do with its "treasure"? A first...

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Not Altogether Honest Abe

Lincoln’s God: How Faith Transformed a President and a Nationby Joshua ZeitzViking, 2023; 313 pp.Joshua Zeitz, a contributing writer to Politico, has written a very useful book. It belongs to an increasingly common genre: books that are very favorable to Abraham Lincoln, in some cases approaching a deification of him, which nevertheless present material that show Lincoln in a less-than-flattering light.Lincoln’s God is just such a book. Zeitz has done substantial...

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