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Tag Archives: environment

Switzerland needs to be able to recharge 2.8 million vehicles

This week, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) published its predictions and ambitions for electric transport infrastructure. Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.comBy 2035, SFOE expects more than half of all passenger cars in Switzerland to be electric. This means the country has around 12 years to complete its charging infrastructure, it said. The SFOE study estimates there will be 2.8 million plug-in vehicles on Swiss roads by 2035, and by 2050 they should be...

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Theft of electric bikes triples in Switzerland

Electric bike theft has tripled in Switzerland since 2019, reported RTS. Photo by alex on Pexels.comRecent police statistics show rising levels of theft across the country with rates rising most sharply in Basel and Geneva, two cities bordering on neighbouring countries. In 2022, 2,000 electric bikes were reported stolen, a figure double the number in 2021. Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city, reported the greatest number of thefts, followed by Geneva and Basel. On a per capita...

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In 10 years 40% of Swiss workers will regularly work from home, predicts research

According to a report published this week, 40% of employees in Switzerland are predicted to regularly work from home within the next 10 years. Photo by Justin Neal on Pexels.comIn 2001, less than 1% of Switzerland’s employees did more than half of their work from home. By 2019, the same figure was 25%. Then Covid-19 struck. During the first lockdown in spring of 2020, 50% of workers worked from home, 20% partially and 30% exclusively. Since then many have returned to the office. But...

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Swiss efforts to cut energy consumption deliver mixed results

On 31 August 2022, when an energy shortage loomed, Switzerland’s federal government launched a campaign to cut the nation’s energy consumption. Targets were set to cut gas consumption by 15% and electricity use by 10%. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.comData published this week showed cuts to gas consumption exceeded the voluntary target set, while cuts to electricity were well below, reported RTS. Gas consumption in Switzerland fell by nearly 18%, well in excess of the 15% target. Electricity...

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Risk of cracks rising for houses built on clay

More and more soil is being impacted by drought. Clay soils in particular are affected by drought. These soils expand and contract depending on their water content and often crack when dry. Building on them can be risky and requires a particular structural design. © Zimmytws | Dreamstime.comHome owners in parts of France have already been impacted by recent dry spells. Roughly half of France is at risk of the effects of droughts on clay soil and 10 million homes have already suffered...

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Switzerland has too many pigs, leading to animal welfare concerns

After slaughtering and freezing 12,000 pigs, Switzerland still has 50,000 more pigs than it can digest, reported RTS. With Swiss pig farms so full, vets are concerned animal welfare may be compromised. Photo by Mark Stebnicki on Pexels.comDuring the Covid pandemic when movements across national borders were restricted, Swiss farmers increased the number of pigs. When restrictions eased and imports returned Switzerland was left with a surplus of animals. The Swiss porc market is...

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Data centres account for 4 percent of Swiss electricity usage

Data centres are expanding rapidly in Switzerland, with such facilities already accounting for 4% of national energy – more than the farming sector. The SonntagsZeitung reports that Switzerland is now home to 86 data centres, and only Netherlands has a higher rate per capita in Europe. The paper cites a 2021 study by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts estimating that the energy usage of Swiss data centres will double in the next five years,...

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Switzerland to restrict use of electric vehicles

Switzerland’s federal government plans to restrict the use of electric vehicles if there is a serious shortage of electricity, reported RTS. Photo by Mike B on Pexels.comElectric vehicles consume substantial amounts of electricity. An average Swiss car travels 13,500 km per year. An average electric cars consumes nearly 200 Wh/km. This means a household with two electric cars could be consuming 5,400 kWh annually powering their vehicles, a substantial amount and more than the electrical...

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A meter reading could have a big impact on your electricity bill

Electricity prices are going up in Switzerland in 2023. For those expecting to consume less electricity in 2023 than in 2022, reading the meter at the end of 2022 could save you money. © Thorsten Nilson | Dreamstime.comMost electricity bills are calculated by taking the difference between two meter readings and dividing total consumption by the number of days between readings to calculate average daily consumption. This average daily consumption figure is then applied to the relevant...

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No price rises for Swiss public transport in 2023

© Hai Huy Ton That | For the seventh consecutive year, the price of tickets on Swiss public transport will remain unchanged. It will also become easier to buy tickets for bicycles and canine companions, reported RTS. News of no price increases is likely to be welcomed given the relatively high price of Swiss public transport. A survey several years ago put the cost of travelling 100km on public transport in Switzerland at CHF 52, far above France (CHF...

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