Given the overt hostility that progressives have toward private enterprise in the first place, politicians will take shutdown-caused shortages and empty shelves as “proof” that private enterprise has failed. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack. Original Article: “The Second Act Will Be Worse Than the First: Lockdowns Are Not the Answer“. You Might Also Like...
Read More »The NRA Would Be Wise to Leave New York ASAP
The NRA would be wise to vote with its feet. Millions of Americans have already escaped the high taxes and freedom-destroying blue state regimes by doing the same. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack. Original Article: “The NRA Would Be Wise to Leave New York ASAP“. You Might Also Like Money-Supply Growth Hits New High For Third Month In a Row In...
Read More »A Critique of the Labor Theory of Value
[This selection is adapted from “The Labor Theory of Value: A Critique of Carson’s Studies in Mutualist Political Economy,” Journal of Libertarian Studies 20, no. 1 (2006). Please see original for full references and footnotes.] Before proceeding, we should be clear on what an economic theory of value is supposed to do: its task is simply to explain the exchange value of particular goods and services. That is, an economic theory of value must explain why someone...
Read More »Japan Embraced Debt as a Way out of Its Budget Crisis. It’s Not Working.
The sudden resignation of Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has led to evaluations of his so-called Abenomics. Many have praised Abe’s aggressive monetary policy because the long shopping list of the Bank of Japan (government bonds, corporate bonds, ETFs and real estate investment trusts) has inflated stock and real estate prices (Shirai 2020; Financial Times 2020). Concerns remain on the fiscal side since Abe’s consumption tax hikes from 5 percent to 8 percent in...
Read More »Our Politicians Would Probably Be Better If We Picked Them by Lot
Rather than choose among a group of narcissists desperate to become popular by redistributing the income of others, why not choose officeholders by lot for a single term? This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Original Article: “Our Politicians Would Probably Be Better If We Picked Them by Lot“. You Might Also Like Why Fed Bugs Really, Really...
Read More »The Second Act Will Be Worse Than the First: Lockdowns Are Not the Answer
In the first presidential “debate” (I use that word creatively), Joe Biden hinted that he would order a national lockdown in order to “defeat” the covid-19 virus, and there certainly seems to be a consensus in the media and among political elites that if there is another “outbreak” of covid, then the “shelter in place” order will be the law of the land. Many businesses certainly are making plans for such an order, this time not wanting to be caught unprepared as they...
Read More »What “Experts” Miss about Economic Inequality
That’s a question USA Today posed to three “policy experts on the left and the right” in this recent article. The responses, while unsurprising, were nevertheless disappointing. For libertarians, economic inequality itself is not problematic, as long as it is in the context of an unfettered market economy free of government privileges and interference. Of course, that’s not what we have. But instead of advocating for a more free economy to address inequality, the...
Read More »Most Everything Governments Do Should Be Regarded as “Corrupt”
Governments that redistribute wealth and regulate our daily lives are inherently corrupt. We cheapen the word “corruption” when we reserve it for just a few politicians who break the arbitrary rules. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Original Article: “Most Everything Governments Do Should Be Regarded as ‘Corrupt’“. You Might Also Like The...
Read More »Problems with Theories on the Black-White Wealth Gap
The wealth gap between white and black Americans is frequently discussed. Today it’s becoming popular to attribute disparities to black culture. Clearly all cultures are not equal, but can the subculture of some black American communities explain variations within the wealth gap? For instance, fifty people in an inner-city neighborhood may engage in maladaptive activities; however, their actions are atypical of the broader black community. Discussing this issue is...
Read More »If the US Adopts Eurozone Policies, the Jobs Recovery Will Suffer
The best social policy is one that supports job creation and rising wages. Entitlements do not make a society more prosperous, and ultimately drive it to stagnation. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Original Article: “If the US Adopts Eurozone Policies, the Jobs Recovery Will Suffer“. You Might Also Like Walter Berns and the Cult of...
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