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Nataliya Melnyk

Articles by Nataliya Melnyk

War in Ukraine – Week 11

May 16, 2022

Business trips are very different these days. It was a wonderful and intense week, but nothing beats coming back home with bags full of supplies!

Day 79

May 13

The very real price Ukrainians are paying for other people’s imperial delusions: survivors of the Kramatorsk train station bombing. More than 30 people were killed, and more than 100 injured among about 1000 people waiting to be evacuated from the city.



Day 77

May 11

Not all Ukrainians fleeing occupied areas have a chance to do it in cars, if they don’t have one, it’s damaged or Russians just don’t allow it. So many end up walking dozens of kilometers or riding their bicycles. Once they reach Ukrainian checkpoints they are

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War in Ukraine – Week 10

May 9, 2022

Day 73

May 7

This is Liza. She is 15 years old. After her town got shelled and two people got injured she volunteered to drive them to get some medical help, because no one else would. First she got through mines on the road, then Russian soldiers shot at the car, injuring both of her legs. But she kept driving until the car stopped. Fortunately, they got picked up by our guys, and this brave little girl and her passengers are recovering right now.


Day 72

May 6

Education must go on
A Ukrainian professor is teaching his students from the trenches. Twice a week at 8 am, he hasn’t missed a single class.
ed today.


Day 70

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War in Ukraine – Week 8

April 26, 2022

Day 56

April 20

4-year old Alisa is begging to be evacuated from under siege Mariupol. So are thousands of others after about 50 days underground. But russia won’t allow it. They are holding these people hostage, watching them die slowly and painfully one by one. Source: Nataliya Melnyk on Facebook


Day 55

A big thank you from my little shelter van Goghs to everyone who helps us keep them distracted and entertained even if it’s just for a bit! We talked about wishes today, unsurprisingly all of them shared just two – to return home and for putin to die.

Nataliya Melnyk on Facebook

20-30% of Ukrainian infrastructure has been

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