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John Kennedy

Articles by John Kennedy

The Political Theology That Maintains State Power

December 1, 2024

What is the Mises Institute?

The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.

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The Political Theology That Maintains State Power

October 25, 2024

For religions throughout the world, established rules, studies, and practices are instrumental for their legitimacy. Established religious institutions throughout the world train theologians to study the nature of God and their belief system. For the Sunni Muslims, theologians in the Hanafi school consist of legal studies in line with Islam, while others like the Murji’ah sect focus on moral teachings of work and faith. Catholics too prescribe specialized areas of study to theologians, whether that be social teachings on leading a moral life or supernatural studies of God.Whatever the case, each of these studies offers legitimacy to the faith and to the clergy, so the state, in all its omnipotence, follows suit. The late German jurist Carl Schmitt held that the

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The new Iranian president sets the stage for negotiations

August 7, 2024

From Mullah to ProgressiveOn May 19, 2024, the president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, was killed in a helicopter crash in the mountains of Iran. He was a Shi’ite cleric and lawyer who won the presidency in 2021. After his death, a man by the name of Masoud Pezeshkian won the following presidential election. Pezeshkian is a polar opposite of the previous president Raisi; he has been called a reformist by Western and Middle Eastern media outlets.The New York Times has reported that, “Mr. Pezeshkian has said he wants to steer Iran toward becoming more prosperous, more open socially, and more engaged with the West.” Other media outlets, such as CBS, have stated that Pezeshkian has no plan to “reshape Iran’s theocracy,” but only to moderate the morality police that enforce

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The Regime No Longer Wants Biden

July 15, 2024

After the first presidential debate on June 27, 2024, the media did something no one suspected: they began running headlines questioning President Biden’s mental capacity. CNN named its first analysis, titled “Biden’s disastrous debate pitches his reelection bid into crisis.” The author claimed that “objectively, Biden produced the weakest performance since John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon started the tradition of televised debates in 1960.”In the same analysis, the author claimed that “there has been no public sign that Biden is unable to perform the duties of the presidency.” While anyone can watch Biden speak over the last four years to know this is untrue, a special counsel’s report in February 2024 on the President’s handling of classified material claimed

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Connecticut’s Housing Shortage Is Rooted in Government Policies

March 18, 2024

There is no shortage of experts that the government is willing to hire to gain public favor for a particular policy. For Connecticut, that expert is a man named Cameron Rifkin, a policy associate for the National Council of State Legislatures. On December 4, 2023, at a legislative roundtable discussion on housing, Mr. Rifkin spoke of the grim reality of the housing situation in Connecticut, stating, “Sixty-eight percent of renters in Connecticut with extremely low income are severely cost-burdened, spending 50 percent of household income on rent. About 13 percent of middle-income households are spending 30 percent or more on rent. An income of $66,000 is needed to afford a two-bedroom rental.”Other problems presented at the roundtable included a deficit of

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Censorship through the Centuries: Free Speech Suppression by the Government and the Mainstream Media

July 17, 2023

The United States government, which prides itself in being the leading force in defending freedom throughout the world, has a history of putting a muzzle on news organizations and individuals throughout its history. From the early colonial period to the beginnings of the internet, the state has consistently silenced its critics, which seems to be its true nature.
The Sedition Act of 1798
Signed into law by the Federalist Party president John Adams on July 14, 1798, the Sedition Act made it illegal to print, utter, or publish any false, scandalous, and malicious writing about the government. Section 2 of the Sedition Act outlines the punishment for violating this new law: “Such person, being thereof convicted before any court of the United States having

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The Failure of Public Works and Public Funding

May 16, 2023

State projects are funded by your money, either through taxation or by inflation, most times both. Money is either taken directly from you or you lose purchasing power. The result is the same, as you will lose the ability to buy or produce as much as you wanted because of these projects. However, this is the alleged cost of living in a “civilized society.” Without these projects, we would be driving on dirt roads, living in shacks, and working for pennies a day.
However, these projects usually make the country poorer. Henry Hazlitt, in Economics in One Lesson, noted the unseen aspect of public works, such as a bridge project, writing:
If the bridge costs $1,000,000 the taxpayers will lose $1,000,000. They will have that much taken away from them which they would

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The World War Boom and ’46 Bust: Why War Does Not Keep Us Out of Recessions

April 11, 2023

When I took my high school’s twentieth-century world history class, both the teacher and workbooks claimed repeatedly that World War II took us out of the Great Depression. Why would anyone question this? After all, unemployment went down. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics measured the unemployment rate from 1929 onward. In 1939 the unemployment rate stood at 17.2 percent. By 1942 it was at 4.7 percent, and by 1944 it was at 1.2 percent.
Professor Friedrich Hayek wrote in his essay “Full Employment, Planning, and Inflation” about the phenomenon of full employment and the reason behind it. Professor Hayek stated:
Full employment has come to mean that maximum of employment that can be brought about in the short run by monetary pressure. This may not be the original

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The Reichsbank: Germany’s Central Bank Lays Foundation of Monetary Disaster

December 23, 2022

Long before there was the infamous German inflation of 1923, the Reichsbank created the scenario of monetary debasement.

Original Article: "The Reichsbank: Germany’s Central Bank Lays Foundation of Monetary Disaster"
This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. 

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How Bad Were Recessions before the Fed? Not as Bad as They Are Now

July 10, 2022

The Federal Reserve was supposed to prevent recessions that people blamed on the lack of central banking. Not surprisingly, the post-Fed recessions have been worse.

Original Article: “How Bad Were Recessions before the Fed? Not as Bad as They Are Now”

With a recession looming over the average American, the group to blame is pretty obvious, this group being the central bankers at the Federal Reserve, who inflate the supply of currency in the system, that currency being the dollar. This is what inflation is, the expansion of the money supply either through the printing press or adding zeros to a computer screen. It has gotten so bad that in the last twenty-two months, 80 percent of all US dollars in existence have been printed, from $4 trillion in January 2020,

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How Bad Were Recessions before the Fed? Not as Bad as They Are Now

July 1, 2022

With a recession looming over the average American, the group to blame is pretty obvious, this group being the central bankers at the Federal Reserve, who inflate the supply of currency in the system, that currency being the dollar. This is what inflation is, the expansion of the money supply either through the printing press or adding zeros to a computer screen. It has gotten so bad that in the last twenty-two months, 80 percent of all US dollars in existence have been printed, from $4 trillion in January 2020, to $20 trillion in October 2021.
This is always how recessions start: the expansion of easy money, the creation of bubbles, and heightened prices caused by the devaluation of the currency supply. But recessions occurred long before the Fed’s establishment

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