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Helen Louise Herndon

Articles by Helen Louise Herndon

A Black Man’s Inconvenient Truth: Canceling Racist Historical Omissions

March 1, 2024

Can a Black man communicate inconvenient truths? One did and a reporter for The Root, a Black on-line magazine, labeled them foolishness. What has he said? Among others, reportedly this: It was Africans who fought wars against Africans and then enslaved the losers. It was victorious African warriors who sold defeated African warriors to European slave traders in exchange for cloth, guns, and money. . . It was Africans who watched as Africans were sailed away in the belly of slave ships toward the brutal system of chattel slavery. . . Why would I want to put the name of the culture that fought to sell black people into slavery, in front of the name of the culture that fought to free black people from slavery? As far as I’m concerned, the moment the long-lost

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