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Housing in Zurich and Geneva only moderately overvalued, says UBS

The UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2017 describes housing in Zurich and Geneva as only moderately overvalued. The two Swiss cities rank 6th (Geneva) and 9th (Zurich) in a list of 20 selected global cities. © Nik Frey | Dreamstime The top eight: Toronto, Stockholm, Munich, Vancouver, Sydney, London, Hong Kong and Amsterdam are all classified as bubble risk. Only Chicago is undervalued. Since 2012 apartment price are down 10% in Geneva, but up 10% in Zurich. Matthias Holzhey, a Swiss real estate investment expert at UBS said: “Favorable financing conditions keep demand for home ownership buoyant. Buying a 60 square metre apartment in Zurich costs a skilled service worker six years’ income – a low level compared to cities globally.” Low costs of financing also help. Low mortgage rates

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The UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2017 describes housing in Zurich and Geneva as only moderately overvalued. The two Swiss cities rank 6th (Geneva) and 9th (Zurich) in a list of 20 selected global cities.

© Nik Frey | Dreamstime

The top eight: Toronto, Stockholm, Munich, Vancouver, Sydney, London, Hong Kong and Amsterdam are all classified as bubble risk. Only Chicago is undervalued. Since 2012 apartment price are down 10% in Geneva, but up 10% in Zurich.

Matthias Holzhey, a Swiss real estate investment expert at UBS said: “Favorable financing conditions keep demand for home ownership buoyant. Buying a 60 square metre apartment in Zurich costs a skilled service worker six years’ income – a low level compared to cities globally.”

Low costs of financing also help. Low mortgage rates mean effective financing costs are only 10% of the average annual income of a skilled service worker, says UBS. Because of mortgage regulations, the challenge can be getting a mortgage. These regulations are keeping the lid on home prices, according to the report’s authors.

More on this:
UBS report (in English)

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